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Transcribed Classes

Become full of the treasures of happiness #31


Treasure_of_Happiness_31              Mohini_Didi           May 31, 2024

Om Shanti, Everyone!

Yesterday, Baba gave us homework for today. “Wah my fortune.” These days, it’s very very important to create and maintain the energy of lightness and happiness. I think that when we take anything as homework, actually there is a lot. We have Murli, essence of Murli, dharna points, and we have blessings. There is a lot that we can take for homework, but we have been getting these signals, and I find them very useful. During the day a few times, the thought emerges, and then our attention goes towards maintaining a particular stage. If we are happy, especially while doing service or karma yoga, our happiness, our cheerfulness, our smiling face, and everything helps those souls around us very much. Whether they are seniors, in charge, or instruments of any department, if they maintain happiness, it could help a lot those who are doing karma yoga. So I found that happiness is something where every cell of the body functions in a very beautiful way. Especially when we say, “Don’t worry, don’t be sad.” Don’t hold on to anything, because blockage happens in the mind first, and then in different ways in the body, also in relationships. So, I have been reminding myself that I have to remain happy, not only for myself, but even for others, even for the Yagya. To have that energy, to have that atmosphere, is very important. It’s like when we are in Shantivan, everyone is happy, everyone is doing things in the right way, and it inspires everyone. I found it very useful, and I think a lot of you have also taken the benefit from the homework of avyakti signals. Now we are starting a new one, cheerfulness while doing actions. Not that we do it because it’s my duty. I had been given the opportunity, I had  been asked, so I’m doing it. It’s just that you are inspired, you like to offer, you like to cooperate, and you create your own fortune. Then we take not only as duty, but also out of love. We share the responsibility and become good Baba’s child, one who cooperates. 

Once I was in ORC and there was a group from one of the departments, 10 or 12  of them came and wanted to have chitchat. They said they are the group who whenever any department needs them, they offer help to every department, they go and serve. They said that they feel so happy that they could help. So whatever inspiration we can give them because Baba makes us sensible and worthy. Baba made every child when we came there was no department, we did everything. Brother Ken knows how to cook very well. His tomato sauce was so popular because Dadi Prakashmani went to Australia when he was alone and I used to go to London and South America. He also knows how to make chapati. It might not be that thin, but it has good taste. I think all the brothers, so many of you know how to cook, and we always encourage brothers to do that, because if for any reason if they have to cook, they know how to do it. Those who love food love to cook. I always say to be happy and be a good karma yogi. I think we should set an example of when you’re happy, you are also loving and sweet. So there is an atmosphere of love and happiness. 

Om Shanti



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