Give_Blessings_Receive_Blessings_19 Mohini_Didi November_19_2023
Om Shanti Everyone!
Is everyone okay and lost in love with Baba? Some souls, it’s natural for them to be obedient, but some have a little resistance to being obedient. For obedience, you need trust and you need to really recognize whom you are following. I find that you don't need to have obedience without having proper faith or recognition, but when I have to have faith in Baba and I experimented in life, the powers I receive, the blessings I receive, they all bring power to us. So Baba is saying that if you really need to receive blessings, you have to be obedient. There are many brothers, and sisters, and as soon as Baba says something, they try to immediately follow and do it. Do I have the quality of being obedient? Yes, you try to understand then you find out that you need to have that faith. Baba is giving blessings for being obedient. If you are obedient or not it's very incognito, the blessings you receive are also incognito. Power is needed to tolerate. To tolerate means to reveal the form of power in a practical way. When you have to tolerate, who are you tolerating? You tolerated to be obedient to the Father, you obeyed the Father. You will definitely receive blessings from being obedient. What happens if I am obedient? Personally, I definitely gain Baba’s protection, and not only blessings, but also I find that even some powers emerge. We all need powers, we all need blessings, so it is important. They both are incognito. Blessings are very incognito, and if I am following or not, all of that is incognito. It is important to know what the benefits are of following. Another thing Baba said is that you receive blessings by following instructions or directions of Baba. Then you start feeling that as much as you follow, that much Baba takes care of your responsibilities. I did it, so Baba will give power. So, it's very interesting. If you go deeper and deeper, then also tolerating should not be tolerating, it should be following. I follow Baba, I follow Baba's instructions, and that means you don't feel as if you are blindly following, forcefully following. No, Baba is saying it, He is Almighty, He is my Father, and I know there will be great benefit. Baba will definitely help me at every step. You all most have experienced in your life, how there is benefit at every step. I think this point needs some more churning and everyone should pay attention, because if you are obedient to Baba, then you will also be cooperative with each other, you will be obedient to each other, right? Okay!
Om Shanti