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Transcribed Classes

Constantly continue to dance and sing #13


TreasureofHappiness_13                     Mohini_Didi                     May 13,  2024

Om Shanti!

Baba’s children are happy, fortunate, and full because we are masters, we are full. Baba wants each child to be a conqueror of Maya. I feel we have become viceless. We are becoming all virtuous, but Maya is something that is like, we should say, wasteful thoughts. Like when vices have gone, but certain weaknesses are there. It could be very subtle comparison, jealousy, or desires, wasteful and weak thoughts. In any situation, even for a few moments, if you have weak thoughts, then that's definitely Maya. You lose courage, you lose hope. You have to maintain powerful thoughts and remembrance of Baba. I remember last time, when I was going to India in Air India or returning, I couldn't believe how bumpy the flight was. Your body jumps up to one feet high, even if the belt is tight, but you will jump. You know that as soon as it’s like that, we get weak thoughts, also the heart races. People were shouting and I just was saying, “Let me see what thoughts I can maintain? I can maintain Baba’s remembrance and that everything will be ok.” It went on for quite a while, about an hour, it would stop then start again. So, whenever there are any challenging situations, pay attention to your thoughts at that time. I shouldn't get weak thoughts, shouldn't get wasteful thoughts, because that's where Maya comes, fear comes. What's going to happen? This is Maya. Instead. “I am Baba’s child. I have to be in Baba’s remembrance. Whatever happens will be for good.” It's just the quality of thoughts, you can have powerful thoughts, positive thoughts, remembrance of Baba. We remain full, and the first fullness is of knowledge. If you are full of knowledge, then the thoughts of knowledge will appear. Have all beautiful thoughts, Baba says. So then, at that time even when it's challenging, your words are very powerful. Baba’s signal is even further than that. Experience the stage of your final form and you will constantly continue to dance in happiness, and continue to sing the Father’s virtues. Continue to dance in such happiness that seeing you, the minds of others also begin to dance in happiness. When seeing someone dance physically, others who have enthusiasm will also dance. Baba says to constantly continue to dance and sing. So tomorrow keep the aim that I will create that stage of fullness, knowledgeful, peaceful, loveful, blissful. Keep all these qualities, this fullness, and see how you feel. Last night was Mother's Day and everyone was dancing and singing, very happy. So, Baba is saying to experience the fullness of dancing and singing.

Om Shanti 



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