Feeling_Of_Uplifting_Others_20 Mohini_Didi July 20, 2024
Om Shanti!
Happy Satguruvar to everyone! Today is actually not Satguruvar, but when we offer bhog to Baba, it is Satguruvar day. So, this should be our spirit. It should be in our hearts to uplift everyone. It’s very simple. In Hindi, it is a little difficult word, it is called “paropkar”. There are some who look at a fallen one and ignore it ,but there are some who uplift that person. If someone has whatever sanskars from the past, actually to begin with, it’s not his fault, because many sanskars from the past emerge from time to time. Baba has given us knowledge and the power of yoga, so we transform those sanskars. If they emerge in anyone from time to time, what do we have to do to help that soul? Every time you use this virtue, it has its own influence, may not be immediately, but it has an influence. So, we have to always remember what I have to do is to uplift everyone. So, Baba says to be trikaldarshi and remain fully cooperative with the soul in front of them, while recognizing the weaknesses of every soul is to be the soul who uplifts others, and will not imbibe that weakness into themselves. They will not speak about it, but through their benevolent form, they will finish the thorns or weaknesses of all the souls. Loveful drishti helps, right? If you look at someone keeping their weaknesses in mind, it won’t work. They will finish the weaknesses of all souls. So instead of becoming thorns, they will make thorns into flowers. This is called upliftment of others. So this whole month, we have to observe in our interactions with others, do we have the bhavna of upliftment? Use it in different ways. Baba has given us the task to change thorns into flowers.
Om Shanti!