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Sweet and powerful Drishti #20


Sweetness_and_Love_20                  Mohini_Didi                 February 20, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Baba uses the word sweetness. Baba Himself is the Ocean of Love, the Supreme Father, Supreme Teacher, and Supreme Guru. He gives us knowledge, wants to make us viceless, makes us worthy, reminds us of what we were, so we become deities. Deity means a person or a human being with divine virtues. I must say that knowledge is also very sweet and powerful, so it has to be given with great sweetness. There is also humility with sweetness. If there is a lack of humility when knowledge is given, it won’t be accepted. So the truth is always sweet, but it could also be bitter. For some, it is difficult to accept the truth, and some are able to accept. We have to speak the truth, like one of the examples is of Drama. We say that whatever happens in the Drama, we say it is accurate, it will repeat. Now for good things we are happy, but when there are certain situations that are not very pleasant, it could create fear, tension. Then we say Drama is very sweet, so we accept Drama. We agree, but sometimes we find it very difficult. We say, “Oh, can this little portion of the Drama be canceled? Can we change this scene of Drama?” We know we cannot because every scene of the Drama is fixed. You cannot remove a little part. Baba has been talking a lot about sweet words and also sweet and powerful drishti. Along with sweetening one another’s mouth, let your face also be sweet. Have so much sweetness accumulated that even when you share it with everyone, you remain full. However much you share this treasure with others, it will increase that much. It will not decrease. If there isn’t anyone who is going to listen to knowledge, just simply give them sweet and powerful drishti. Baba also says that sweetness is like power. I am still trying to bring that sweetness into awareness and see how sweetness is power. I know that sweetness is a virtue and a power, but how can it work as power? So, let’s practice today.

Om Shanti



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