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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #15


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_15               Mohini_Didi                August 15, 2024   

Om Shanti 

Today we celebrated the day of independence of our beloved Bharat Mata or India we call it now. I still remember actually it's a whole story of from where this thought of getting freedom from the foreign hand was a big surprise. Mahatma Gandhi got this thought and he was in South Africa, he was a lawyer, a student of Law and how he was treated not being white. Also, he had this thought that we must make our country free. There was a lot of sacrifice, a lot renunciation, he lived life of celibacy and every morning I still remember on the radio we used to hear a song Patit Paavan Sita Ram, God you are the purifier and they call Sita Ram, but we know that it's Shiv Baba. Also, what is true independence? Our dependency is of a different kind: emotional, physical, social. There are so many dependencies, but how to make the soul depend on God in a way that it becomes independent. Our relationship, spiritual relationship is what makes us dependent and interdependent, but independent. We all depend on each other, somebody has to buy food, somebody has to cook it, and we all eat it so interdependency is every step, but it's not a dependency, and it is also independent. So, each one of us should think that I am independent, but being independent doesn't mean they call it Manmauji. Like I do what I want to do because I'm independent. Independent, interdependent, and respectful to each other is very important. If I am independent, you are also independent, but how do we coordinate together? Coordination definitely happens when we know that it's both sides. If we are 10, we all are in a way dependent on each other for something or other. So, I always believe in interdependency, but also independence. This needs more reflection, but happy Independence Day. 

As we are doing our homework of Avyakti signals, revising what Baba had been saying to us, inspiring us to continue with efforts, this is the biggest power in the world, practice. If you don't practice, you will never get anything, whether it is in the physical world, whether it is spiritual. Our practice is through thoughts, and then bringing those thoughts into words and actions. Practice is very important but sometimes I know, I know this, I heard this, but we haven’t practiced. If you don't practice, it doesn't become yours. It is only when I practice, then I can say that I am peaceful. Otherwise, I know I am peaceful, but whether I am peaceful or not depends on my practice. I keep the aim, like Dadi used to say, ‘peace and patience.’ If you lose patience, you lose peace also. Very quickly the mind can become weak, weak thoughts start coming, doubtful, lack of self-trust, and lack of Drama also. So, Baba says to create the awareness that I am the victorious soul, the one of the previous cycles. Take a moment, yes, last kalpa we became victorious, make yourself courageous with this awareness. If you don't feel it, create awareness and it will emerge. We are the master almighty children of the Almighty Authority Father. You will develop courage with this awareness. If you have weak thoughts in your mind, then finish them there so you become powerful. Murli is also the technique or the method and also an accomplishment. It's a Vidhi and Siddhi. We have to use both ways. What we will accomplish, but also, what is the method? Just imagine if you miss one Murli or if you don't practice, and then we say, “Oh I'm not experiencing Baba's help. I'm not experiencing the blessings. I don't have this.” Baba is giving us everything, he's Almighty, filling us all the time. We hear so many stories of the Dadis when they were young. During partition, they experienced so many things. Opposition would come and try to break the main front gate, and these sisters had no weapons, nothing. So they brought some things from the kitchen like a wooden thing to hold the door so that nobody could enter. There are so many stories where they faced all different kinds of situations. We are still very free and in very favorable situations, but by practicing now at the right time, we will be able to be victorious. So, just keep the thought that I am master almighty.

Om Shanti 



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