Liberation_in_Life_18 Mohini_Didi December 18, 2023
Om Shanti!
We want to have a determined thought, and we promise that through our perfect form, through our stage, we will reveal Baba. Sometimes, whatever is happening in the world, I look at Shiv Baba, Brahma Baba and how they are stable, immovable. There is so much sorrow in the world, but Baba doesn’t feel that sorrow. How are they able to remain detached observers? When we see a scene, or any soul playing part not according to shrimat, we know something could happen to them, subtle thoughts come. Accept whatever is happening in drama, because everything is accurate. Accurate in the sense of karmic accounts, and the part within the drama. Then we don’t question what will happen, why all this is happening, because of this then maya comes. Yesterday we took the determined thought not to have wasteful thoughts. As soon as we say why, Baba says why in hindi it is called queue, in English it is queue, that means there is a long queue of thoughts. Deeply accepting everything as it is, we keep our energy very high and very stable. As soon as we ask why this is happening to me, we are not able to see how whatever is happening, something better will come from that. Many times it happens that things look like a crisis, or we call it a storm, and a gift emerges from there. Maintain firm faith that Baba is responsible for me. I belong to Baba.
I had been really thinking just to have awareness of this body is also for Baba’s seva, Baba’s service. How do we keep every thought full of love, full of faith? If there is a very subtle lack of faith or lack of trust, deep within there are some deep, subtle thoughts of anxiety or fear, or what is going to happen, we could reduce our power. More and more the realization I’m having is that strength is in our thoughts. Even to experience God’s help you need to be strong. How do we keep elevated thoughts, thoughts of victory, courage and total faith in Baba? Baba says, an accurate drama. As I said, accurate drama is not the word I like for what is happening, but whatever is happening and will be happening, Baba said will be good. I have to be number one like Brahma Baba, so I have to look at Brahma Baba. In the end, Baba did not go into details of little things. Why did this happen, who did it? Whatever happened, happened. As quickly as possible to make yourself free from that. How do you make your stage very powerful? If I have to reveal Baba, one is looking at Baba, very unshakable, steady. We use the word for Baba, Sadashiv, always benevolent, always merciful, like a constant donor. Always giving blessings, collectively we will serve through our thoughts, words, and actions.
Om shanti.