Treasure_of_Happiness_4 Mohini_Didi May 4, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone flying? Yes. Baba wants us to fly and I am really kind of wondering what it means to fly. We understand the word flying, we know when we fly, we can cross. There is a little story that I don’t know completely, but they sometimes say Hanuman is the son of air. Actually, when he was a little boy, he had only one desire, and that was to fly. So every time he tried to fly, he would fall down and then he would try again. Surprisingly, recently, a lot of young people who are a little bit spiritual have been reading a lot about how he learned to fly. He would just go very high, but when he was going high, then the other was that he would also dive. So, for each one of us, this means first you have to go above, but flying also gives you a speed. Even if a car is going very fast, the flight will definitely go faster than that. So in my efforts, whatever is happening, I see it as if I am flying. You pass different scenes or clouds, everything you pass very fast. So going higher but also letting go, not feeling like it just happened yesterday. These days, many of us feel something happened long ago. It’s not new. It’s not just now but if you feel that, what happened 10 days ago, you feel it today, so you have not moved at all, nor you are flying. Whether it is speed wise or going higher. So practice this. Many times we listen to things, but not necessarily practice them. So take this signal from Baba to fly. Instead of ‘why’ say ‘fly’. So, I think you will have a good experience. These days, it’s like you feel something has happened many days ago because you cross it very fast, so let’s listen to Baba Avyakti signal.
I also see how you create happiness. How do you give happiness? These Avyakt points are from the Murli, so these are very good points for elevated actions. Anything which brings the evidence and you can see, like flowers blossoming, or fruits coming on the tree is a kind of evidence that there was a seed, and now it’s growing and bringing the fruit. So, the same is true for our elevated thoughts, words, or actions. When they bring success, you see the results and definitely there is happiness. The second part, Baba is saying that others are inspired. Their enthusiasm increases looking at you being elevated in your thoughts, words, and actions. So, whenever you perform elevated action, you definitely feel the practical fruit of that in yourself in the form of happiness. When you see the practical fruit of that in yourself in the form of happiness and power, others who see a soul performing elevated actions, also feel zeal and enthusiasm in their effort. They feel that they too can become like that. So you yourself receive the practical fruit and others also are served. They have enthusiasm and courage, everything emerges, and they are looking at you. So, it’s very good to just keep doing elevated actions and others will be inspired.
Om Shanti