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Embodiment of success #11


Embodiment_of_Success_11                 Mohini_Didi                 November 11, 2024

Om Shanti!

You are ok and that is why you are present, right? When I don't see you, you are absent, then it's necessary to find out if you are ok, but once you are present, that means you are ok. Contentment is a great quality. One of the ways one can experience contentment is that you are constantly full. When you are not contented, you lose lot of power, you loose percentage of faith. You start losing, but no accumulation. When there is contentment, then there is accumulation, and because you don’t lose it, you constantly make yourself full. That’s a great achievement that you never lose power, waste your thoughts or words or anything in your actions. So it's like it contains, it stays with you when there is contentment. So Baba is saying to have elevated consciousness in awareness, words, and actions. The first contentment is with your own self, and then others also have contentment. Baba is saying to attract others with good wishes in your mind, with your elevated words, filled with good wishes, that enables them to forge a relationship with the Father, and with your form. This is your form of love and peace while coming into connection and the relationship with others. So for this, Baba says inculcate elevated connections in your awareness, words, and actions, and let your intellect remain plain. Let there be no stain of the past sanskars and only then all of you,  your plain and practical form become one. Baba says that success will be flying like an airplane. Every word, when we listen to Baba, every morning with deep meaning, every time we hear, even if they are the same words, but every word is very deep. A lot of very beautiful thoughts come in the mind. There are a lot of plans, but do all the plans happen in practical or not? That is success, right? You think and it happens, you think and you are able to do it. Is there enough cooperation that it happens? The word shubh is actually auspicious. Always think not only positive, not only elevated, but very pure, very auspicious. If my thinking is so high and thinking is so elevated, then of course the words which have two aspects. Of course words also have good wishes, but second is my internal stage while speaking should be of love and peace. The image of love and peace will help us to have no stains, but help us to maintain that purity within each word. So words are important. You might say something very good and elevated, but not in the right words, or the right way, or at the right time. While speaking I should not lose my own inner love and peace, but others also should not lose it. We have to cooperate, we have to be a bestower, we have to give. Words give a lot of comfort, words can discourage a person, and words can also help the soul. So we have to see what we are saying and how we are saying it. It's very important, and Baba comes and speaks to us. Baba’s words are very elevated. It should be the same with our words which are very important. So making a plan into practical is important.

Om Shanti 



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