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Embodiment of success #16


Embodiment_of_Success_16 Mohini_Didi          November 16, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Is everyone happy? Baba said in the last Murli that it is very important to be happy. Baba had been really emphasizing happiness. Even though we are doing homework to be successful, to remain happy is also success. I am happy, I am successful. Today I would say my success is that I am happy. So from today use this slogan, if I am happy, I am successful, if I am not happy, I am failing. So this is all we have to see if we want to follow Baba. Baba keeps saying to be happy, and then I have to connect it with success. Yeah, we'll be leaving tomorrow to go back, and definitely get connected when I reach there with all of you. I know there are many planning retreats. I saw Thanksgiving is coming, Christmas is coming, New Year is coming. So those who could come, you are most welcome. The homework for today is about unity and concentration. I didn’t have conflict with anyone but no one else had conflict with me. Like Dadi Janki had a slogan, that I shouldn't remember lokiks, but they should also not remember me. If they remember me, I'll be pulled. I know that at least my lokik family always said, “You do service, you don't have to worry about it.” You know, it's like, ok, be detached. It's not, I'm at service, my intellect is being pulled. So, it’s not that I don't have conflict, but others also don't have conflict with me. We say don't give sorrow and don't take sorrow, very difficult, because that's the sanskar we have. Anything happens, I take sorrow. There's nothing much really, so why should I lose my happiness, why should I take sorrow? So today is somewhat the slogan, we all are one, and this is the means of success. Every virtue that Baba is talking about is my success. Giving respect and taking respect is my success. Unity and concentration are the elevated arms for success in any task. Concentration means always having thoughts that are free from waste and negativity. Baba says that where there is unity and concentration, success is the garland around the neck. Those who stay in a state that is free from any waste and negative thoughts, Baba says that they are able to give visions in the form of Brahmins who become angels. 

So how do I know that I have conflict, I have lack of concentration? The cause of lack of concentration is deep inner conflict somewhere. I'm disturbed, upset, I have questions, I'm not happy. Then if I'm not happy, I can’t concentrate. Even if you're eating good food and suddenly something happens or someone says something and you get upset, you don't enjoy the food. So always see what is happening to me about concentration, then you look at what is happening with my inner self. Everyday Baba’s points are eye opening, feel so accurate, most needed, and very important at present time. We find that whatever according to Drama, our role is, our part is, Baba will immediately give us a good answer, good point, so that we can churn on that and overcome and be successful. So it's not that we should see success as something in the end that will happen. Every day, every hour, you can see if we have success or not. Now Baba is talking about the task, but also connected with our virtues of inner harmony, that is unity and concentration. Concentration also is like where is the attention? When we're listening to Baba, do I have total concentration? And I'm listening to Baba, but after 10 minutes I forgot? This is a lack of concentration. So concentration is my success, and if it's not there, I'm not successful. Every virtue I have, that means I'm successful. If I don't have the virtues, then of course I'm not successful. Ok, so try for yourself for 24 hours until tomorrow. 

Om Shanti



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