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Embodiment of success #17


Embodiment_of_Success_17               Mohini_Didi            November 17, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone is okay, happy? It's very important to keep ourselves okay. We have to be happy. Dadi Gulzar used to say that whatever happens, we should not lose our happiness. So I'm sure you all are happy. Everyone's favourite achievement is success. Whatever we do, we want to see that we are successful. When you grow or cultivate something and when you see the fruits right you feel very happy. I have seen people getting happy even when they start getting little flowers, or they see that a tree is growing and becoming full of fruit naturally. So there is happiness in doing everything. There should be success, but sometimes there are certain things we need some inculcation, and if you have those qualities, then you will be successful. So those three qualities for homework are humble hearted, constructive, and pure nature. Baba is saying, “You will become a star of success when you do not have any ego about your own success, and you do not speak about it”. How do you describe your success without ego? Actually, we tell them our experience of how we were able to use the egoless stage which helped us. It's not your own praise, but is to inspire others that I had this situation, but how I overcame it, and which virtue I used. So there are two things: one is ego, and the other is self-respect. In self-respect, you always see your success, and you experience success. So, do not have any ego about your own success, and you do not speak about it. Do not blow your own trumpet but to the extent that you are successful, just be humble hearted and also constructive, and have a pure nature. In Hindi, they use three words, ‘namrachit, nirman and nirmal - pure nature’. Like for water, you know it's very cool and nice water. So, others may sing your praise, but you always sing Baba's praise. I think we all experience that whatever success I have or I'm able to do is because of Baba. Baba's drishti, Baba's love, Baba's power, Baba has given to me so that I am able to give. 

So Baba is saying, always sing the Father's praise, and such humility will always easily enable you to carry out the task of renewal. If any matter is there, it is not right, but to make it right, there's a saying, ‘bigari ko bananewala’, even for God they’re saying, it's only One Baba. We also have to follow that. Whatever is not working, we make it so. Baba says that such humility will easily enable you to carry out the task of renewal. Until and unless you become humble, you will not be able to carry out the task. Success is a very important quality because if you do something and you're not successful, you will be disappointed and you won't be able to do it. So that is why I feel that for success, use each virtue, because they all are very connected with each other. If you have one, you will get the others also, because the dharna of these virtues are very interconnected. So that is what success is, when you apply that dharna, not only you know it, you think about it but in practical you see how it helps your intellect to decide what I should be doing. You will never be confused. So that is why I like very much to sing Baba's praise; you will always be able to carry out the task of renewal, and that is the success we have. So we have to churn this point, we have to reflect and also use it. Life can become really entertaining and very interesting if we keep applying something new, something different, and something special will happen. That is your success also. 

Om Shanti



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