Embodiment_of_Success_19 Mohini_Didi November 19, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is happy, healthy, okay! When we come to Baba, we get the knowledge of using everything in a worthwhile way or to get reward, to get success. So it is through knowledge that we understand, like we never knew that you can earn through the mind, through thoughts. Thoughts are the source of income. How to have elevated thoughts all the time? So, after getting knowledge, we know what words to speak. The words of blessings. How to use time in a worthwhile way. All that knowledge we receive and then we pay attention to yoga then dharna, and then automatically become an instrument for service also. Service is very important, and service through all different ways, like the body. We always do our lokik thing, but to do some kind of service through the body as karma yoga. Go to the center and you will get something to do. Baba says to use your body, mind, wealth, and time for service. At the moment you are using your body, wealth, mind, and time, but while using the powers of your mind for service you will receive a lot of success in a very short time. At present, sometimes you have to work hard on yourself. The effort you have to make to transform your nature of moving along in a gathering or becoming disheartened when you don’t see much success in service. All of this will finish. So if I have value of the thoughts and I am getting extra thoughts, I say, “No, I can use these thoughts for service. I can give good wishes to someone. I can do sakash.” So you can immediately change your thoughts and see that it’s being used in a worthwhile way, and not reach a point where you are disappointed by anything. There is a reward. There is success. Service through the mind, I feel, is very useful. As soon as other thoughts come which we know are not necessary, I immediately say to let me use this for good wishes. Let me give sakaash, even to my own body. It is the same as time. Time is for what? Time is for using it in a worthwhile way. Each one of you in your experience at present life, you can see how you are using the body, how you are using the mind, and time also. I am so busy I cannot do service, no. I always tell everyone okay, one hour per day or whatever, but fix your time. This much time I would fix for Baba’s service. The majority of people are very busy these days in lokik jobs, family, or whatever. If you think that it is very important for me to do a half-an-hour, or even 15 minutes everyday,I must do Baba’s service. So Baba says that only then, success is guaranteed, and you will never be disheartened. I feel that service is always there.There is always something to do with the body. If not body then mind, through whatever little material thing we have. So all four achievements are important. Success or reward in all four is very important. So that is why it is very good to see that I am doing service through all these different things, and see the reward of that.
Om Shanti