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Transcribed Classes

Embodiment of success #2


Embodiment_of_Success_2   Mohini_Didi           November 2, 2024

Everyone is happy? Ok. The scenes of Drama keep changing and  we have to be detached observers. Baba is helping us to have a good stage, and one of those is the stage of incorporeal, viceless, and egoless. So some ask me why ego is separate from the vices. When we say viceless, then ego also comes, but ego is quite big. There is the ego of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. I did it, I am this. I have this special thing. Self respect is all right, but ego is not good. Sometimes we are not aware how ego enters. It requires practice, but we have been doing it. Of course, some percentage of that stage we have already created is incorporeal stage. Actually how natural it should be, that I am a corporeal soul, because that's what I am. We should also practice that I am an incorporeal soul. As much as we practice, that is how much eternal qualities emerge. The qualities of purity, knowledge, peace, love, power, bliss. All these qualities should keep emerging. My relationship with Baba is incorporeal, as Baba is also incorporeal. I am the incorporeal child of the One who is incorporeal. Once I am incorporeal, I am viceless. There are no vices in the soul, it’s only when there is body,  body consciousness, then all these vices emerge. In soul consciousness, there is no vice. It's just our eternal qualities. Then from there, our original qualities of deities emerge. So incorporeal and then viceless and then the third is egoless. So to be beyond ‘I’ and ‘mine.’ Just remain in instrument consciousness, which is the basis of success in service. You automatically develop these three qualities of  specialties of being incorporeal, viceless, and egoless is the consciousness of being an instrument. If there is not the consciousness of being an instrument, then the many types of “I” and “mine” make you slack in service. Then if you achieve something, you feel good and if there are any difficulties, your energy goes down. Baba says, “Therefore, do not have any consciousness of ‘I’or ‘mine’. On one hand there is an extremely humble servant, and the other hand, authority of knowledge. It’s so interesting that where there is the consciousness of being an instrument, of being humble, and being unlimited, there is success. That means that when we are instruments, we are humble, and unlimited. So humility is considered to be very high quality. Even in nature, when a tree is full of fruit, it bows down, it goes down. So more attention is required and more practice to keep the awareness that I am a humble instrument, and also then you are selfless and unlimited. It’s very interesting that it is the ego which keeps blocking and keeps creating our limits. When you go beyond ‘I’ and ‘mine’ you're not creating boundaries. I was thinking that if we have consciousness free from ego, we all are One, One Yagya, just with love. So, be an instrument and keep serving constantly.

Om Shanti 



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