Embodiment_of_Success_20 Mohini_Didi November 20, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Everyone ok, happy? One of the points I had been sharing which I feel I heard so many times in Baba’s Murli or in Baba’s different classes is to remain double light. If you’re double light, you will also be very happy, but then when anything starts becoming heavy, or it’s bothering me or disturbs me, then it’s not possible to be light. I’ve been thinking that heaviness is like blockages. So they have to open blockages. So of course we know there are sanskars and karmic accounts from the past and circumstances, Drama. While travelling, I have been thinking that you use powers, but also as much as I keep the aim and remain in Baba’s remembrance, then there’s such energy that will bring so many different nice things for you. It’s a long flight when we were coming and of course there were good people around all the time. So I was coming out of the plane and I saw a woman who said, “Oh I will take you.” Then she didn’t see the wheelchair. So she started shouting, “I told you all to keep one reserved.” I didn’t know who she was or how she knew us, and I was asking Bhumiben. She said that she goes to Harmony House and she knows Anjaniben and she was so nice. I suddenly felt how Baba helps us at every step. So then one person was asking Bhumi, “Where is my prasad, where is my toli?” Even the porter there was helping and was such a nice person. “I will help you. I will wait. I will do everything to load luggage in the car.” So if we observe in our life everything around us is helpful. I always say that as much as you ascend, for ascending you have to be light, and if you are heavy, you can’t climb. So I am realizing more and more to just observe myself and don’t let any situation affect the mind because if I am affected and my mood is not good, in a way, I lose my stage. Now we call it Maya or circumstances will come in the way which maybe you have never gone through such circumstances. So they come in life where we learn more, we practice more, and we know that I need to work on this. I have experienced in my life that whatever you haven't been able to do until now, circumstances will make you learn. So I think that again I have to take responsibility for my own stage or getting an off mood. I always remember how Baba gave his hand in Dadi Prakashmani’s hand while he became perfect. Dadi’s whole moral values, but with that also Dadi was very light. So our inner childhood, our good dharna is a very good foundation.
The definition of service; for us, in every minute, there is service. It could be through mind, it could be through words, through relationships. So Baba is saying that success is impossible without combined service. Baba says, “Let it not be that you go to do service and when you come back, you see that Maya came to you. Your mood was put off or you were disturbed. Underline this. The means for success in service and expansion in service is the combined service of the self and everyone else.” I always remember one incident, there was a good group of VIPs and there were four of us in a taxi going from Mount Abu to Abu road. One was from Africa, one from America, and myself and I remember one more. So generally those days we used to make announcements that your passport, your valuables should be given in the office. So it does happen that you are rushing to get in the taxi to come down and you forget to take your passport, your ticket or whatever. So one of the guests forgot and we were halfway to Abu road. She said, “Oh, I forgot my passport.” So the lady from the UN said, “Oh, we never go back, it’s impossible. We don’t want to lose the train.” She kept saying it and I was saying, “How will the other one travel? It's important to take.” So I looked at the time and I said, “I think we could go back and get her things.” So then another one said, “You will be responsible.” I said, “Definitely. I will get you on the train. If not, I will send you by taxi.” So we went back, we got her stuff, and we got on the train. So, I didn’t realize that she was observing, and after some time, there was a very new group of NGOs. She called me and said “Can you talk to people? Can you come and address the group?” What she was observing was how I decide when there are situations. So that serves so much, her respect, and after that, there was a big change. So in our lives that is always a choice when we look back and say that it was so good the way I conducted myself or the way I decided. I realized that she had been watching me at every step and it created such a beautiful impact on her. So we have to always see what is my stage, my conduct, my way, that will do a lot of service.
So I like it when Baba is saying, “Don’t fluctuate, make sure that you do service. To do service makes your stage fluctuate, and it shouldn’t be that.” If I am undecided, I am forceful, anything, it will not serve properly. So, if we remain light and happy and it doesn’t happen immediately, it’s not that even all of us. We have learned, but internally it has to be some kind of feeling, I always feel something good will happen. When I came to New York to live, of course there was a different kind of energy in New York, the atmosphere and pollution. So many would say, “Sister Mohini, you can’t live here, it’s not good for you.” I said, “Baba has told me to stay, and when Baba will tell me to leave, I will leave.” One thought I keep saying is, “I am here because Baba wanted me to be here.” I never say that I am not good in the city, I am not this, I am not this. Baba will be your companion, Baba will have with you, many beautiful things will happen because of this determined thought, ‘Baba wants me’. Dadi Janki had really big difficulties with her health, but she passed through and today we can see the result. So there are certain things in our lives, if we have determination, we will pass with honor.
Om Shanti