Embodiment_of_Success_21 Mohini_Didi November 21, 2024
Om Shanti!
Bhog Message
In remembrance of Baba, taking everyone's love and remembrance. When I went to offer bhog to Baba, Baba gave very loveful drishti to me and everyone. Then I told Baba that I have brought bhog today from Avyakti Parivar after a long time. Baba gave drishti with love and accepted bhog, and then Baba kept giving us drishti. Baba said that now everyone's awareness or smriti should be very powerful, because as powerful as your remembrance or smriti, your thoughts will also be powerful. When thoughts are powerful, that means your stage is powerful. Everything works with thoughts and thoughts come in the mind. Even Baba, when He has to speak to you, Baba has to speak, and you will listen through your thoughts. I was looking at Baba and Baba said that Baba will be talking through your thoughts. Whatever Baba has to say, how will you listen through your thoughts? So there should be a lot of attention on listening, listening to your own thoughts. When you listen to your thoughts carefully, you'll know Baba’s directions, Baba’s signal. You will experience Baba's power. Then you have to be careful with your thoughts. Don't allow any ordinary thoughts or any thoughts influenced by any vice or any situation. So as much as you keep your thoughts very pure and elevated, you will experience that your communication with Baba will be very clear. So actually your effort at present is to keep a powerful awareness, awareness where you just remember Baba more and more. In any different way in any relationship, just keep Baba with you and Baba's remembrance. So Baba said to pay attention to your thoughts and also don't allow any influence on your thoughts, whether there is people's opinion, or whatever, keep your intellect very much, your mind, thoughts very pure and clean and connected with Baba. So Baba said that yes, time is critical. Everyone is under some kind of fear or other. Before it was having or not having, but now many people are even scared about their whole life and their future. You children now know that if you have Baba’ company, then Baba will protect you, take care of you. So Baba said to keep increasing, keep increasing love for One, remembrance of One. That will be the shield of protection or the sword of knowledge. Then Baba looked at all the children, of course, and gave lots of love to all in Avyakti Parivar and everyone else also. Then Baba gave lots of powerful drishti and love remembrances for everyone.
Om Shanti
Happy Satguruvar to everyone. Each one of us feels so fortunate that Baba found us. In the path of bhakti, we might be calling God, but then He comes and He puts his drishti on us. Recently, I've been sharing some of the things when I began and all the experiences, and now when I think of that, how Baba prepares us, in a way that you know our devotion, our deeper seekings. So we are very lucky, we are very fortunate. This evening, when I went to offer bhog to Baba and Baba gave drishti, it really felt like Baba is very close and loveful, and of course, there is a lot of power there. Baba’s power really is, I call it mild in the sense that it just sustains you. That's the feeling I get when I take drishti from Baba, that He's sustaining me. So then I gave everyone's love remembrances, and Baba also gave the drishti to everyone, and then Baba accepted bhog. Baba said that each child has to keep their awareness very powerful and more consistent. Whether it is relationships with Baba, or all qualities of Baba, all powers of Baba. If your inner awareness, that you have all the time, is Baba’s praise, Baba’s love, then your thoughts will also be powerful. The power of this awareness will create very elevated thoughts in you. Baba said that actually it is your thoughts, it's your mind which is the medium or channel from which you will even listen to Baba. When Baba has to talk to you, Baba has to give you direction or you want something from Baba, how will you know? So in a way, your mind speaks, or Baba speaks through your thoughts. So today Baba said that it's the collection of awareness and thoughts, and it's the thoughts that are the means of communication with Baba. So, our line of communication, keep it free and all the thoughts, as soon as any ordinary thoughts come, change them. If you keep more consistent awareness, you won't even have such thoughts. Baba is in a combined way thinking with you, talking with you. At this time, because of the way the atmosphere is and the need within the Brahman family is, let me listen to Baba more. That'll be through our mind, and Baba’s Murli is there, but basically the more we start listening to Baba, the more clarity on the path will be easy. So, Baba was giving drishti and telling us what effort we have to make at present. Baba says that it is very easy, it's very simple, but you have to be consistent. Then as if I felt as if it's the end of the journey and Baba is giving us directions. We are not hoping that in the end this will happen or end, no. So, it was very powerful and I was happy to get this kind of direction or clarity from Baba. So then in the end I again took drishti from Baba, and Baba gave lots of lots of love and remembrances for each one of you.
Om Shanti