Embodiment_of_Success_22 Mohini_Didi November 22, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is ok? Yes, very good. Baba always likes to see his children very light and very happy. Light and happy both because if there is any heaviness, then we can’t be happy. Baba wants to see that we claim our birthright. Success is your birthright, but within that birthright there are many stages. One is definitely to be free from weaknesses and defeat obstacles because they all are very subtle and they try to keep blocking our progress. They try to not allow us to be happy. That is Maya. So, Baba doesn’t want that to happen. Maya will come, but we shouldn’t be affected. So anytime you find wasteful thoughts are starting, you know Maya is trying to enter and will put some kind of misunderstanding or misconception in such a way that you keep losing your enthusiasm and happiness. So you feel that you are defeated. Every day I watch how souls just get into some thoughts, and then they get defeated. As soon as a wasteful thought comes, you have to use a mantra like in the path of Bhakti. They even do yagya. They do whatever they have to do. They keep using chanting mantras and some like Hare Krishna people when they have to rosary in the little bag and they keep singing Hare Rama Hare Krishna all the time. I think that’s their intoxication, even when they’re dancing they’re laughing. So they say that every sacred word we repeat in our mind has some power, and that’s why people chant ‘Om’ or we say ‘Om Shanti’. So Baba has given us so many beautiful blessings and reminds us of what is our birthright. We have Godly intoxication. There is a very beautiful word, we call it in Hindi ‘Ishwariya’ so even simple thing to remember, I am child of God, and then make the list of your birthright. Even in lokik sometimes one can forget that I have so much inheritance. Parents keep giving inheritance, and they don’t give everything at the same time. As we become mature, as we grow, they watch us then they keep transferring our birthright. It's very interesting, not only when we think, but also practical life, reminding ourselves of our Godly birthright, but first I have to remember that this is a Godly birth. I’ve been adopted by God, and then you make the list of your birthright and keep using that more. Use it more and you will own it, you will get more and more, but if you don’t know how to use an inheritance, then parents won’t give it. This is the same with Baba, The more we think that I am a victorious soul, Baba will keep giving you that power, because this soul has a determined thought to be victorious. Baba gives you more blessings and more power.
So this whole game of what Baba said yesterday in Bhog message about awareness Smriti. Baba says that you don’t say ShivBaba ShivBaba through words. There is one soul, she always says, “I am an angel. I’m an angel” and there is the smile and lightness which comes just with the thought. We have so many other thoughts, but we do not really make good effort. A good effort maker means, no other thoughts, just blessings, and that works, Mahamantra. There is the one word which they use in Bhakti ‘Chumantra’ which means that it’s gone. When you say the mantra, whatever the difficulty or obstacle, anything is gone. If we keep doing it, you will see the wonders of what happens internally and also externally, you will see so much transformation, so many beautiful things. So become master creators. Baba is saying to become master creator, complete and perfect, and the elements will welcome you. They are waiting to welcome you with a garland of success. For this, simply have the other awareness that victory is my birthright, do not have the thought in your dreams, I don’t know whether I will be victorious or not. ‘I don’t know whether I can do it’ never emerges through the lips of someone who is master knowledge-full. We listen everyday to Avyakti Parivar or Avyakti signal of Baba, and that is why I thought we listen, we say it, but how much are we using that? Then, in the Murli yesterdayBaba gives you the Mahamantra of ‘Manmanabhav’. Since then, I’ve been thinking that every word of Baba is like a mantra. It can work in many different ways. A mantra can remove obstacles and keep your mind under control. You know in this last Avyakt Murli, Baba said to control your mind and you will control the whole world, you will become the master of the world. So now we have to practice more and then feel it, experience it. Our service, everything, will now depend on the stage. When people see us growing, they immediately say that it must be God’s blessings. In today’s world, everything is fluctuating, decreasing, more and more losses, but for Baba it’s different. So, we have to make effort for our stage and automatically you get opportunities for service. Plus, Baba will use you as an instrument as you are. It was very interesting when Sister Gayathri was asking that one is that I want to do, and one is that Baba made me an instrument. Many things Baba gives us for doing service, and the only thing we have to do is to maintain our stage.
Om Shanti