Embodiment_of_Success_23 Mohini_Didi November 23, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is okay? Everyone is happy? That's very good. Dadi Prakashmani's story is wonderful. I've been sharing with us about some of her good qualities. She said,”I never lie or I never stole anything.” Now she is sharing about how she had these beautiful visions of a garden and Sri Krishna. I was mentioning that everyone should really write their own story, because we all had many beautiful things. So every Baba’s child has a beautiful story. Sometimes we don't share much, but it's good to share, and actually good to write if possible. When the account is clear, one feels very light, because then there is no obstacle and no bondage. From time to time certain things are there because of karmic bondage, and it's very subtle obstacles which could be internal. The karmic account can be through wasteful thoughts. You don't want to think, but thoughts keep coming. So there are some accounts there. Otherwise, why should it bother your mind? So, it could be mind, and sometimes it could be through words. Like my habit of speaking which is not very much liked by people, or it could be others saying things that are also not very pleasant. So it's the karmic accounts which are created and settled through words, and then it comes to actions. So that is why Baba has all these maryadas, these principles, and knowledge so that we protect ourselves and keep clearing what had been created from the past. So, today Baba is saying that when you keep the account of your actions and thoughts clear, then you will become complete and also embodiment of success. If you are not able to clear your own accounts, how will you settle the accounts or karmic bondages of others. Therefore, whatever has happened throughout the day, finish that with the powers of knowledge and remembrance, with will power, controlling power, and keep your register clean every day. We know we have to keep a register. So today Baba is saying that what I did today, that's what I can clear, because today's connection is with yesterday and also with tomorrow. So maybe what happened or what I did a few days ago, that could emerge also. We have memories of the past.
So one of the best ways to clear is at the level of thoughts. They come in your mind and I don't have to think that way. Sometimes it passes our thoughts and it comes in our words. Actually, we could settle, and that is why one of the greatest methods Baba has given us is to have good wishes for everyone. Even if we're helping the soul, even whatever is there with the soul, between me and the soul also, just have good wishes. If you have any other wishes then the account will continue. So to clear the account is to always have good wishes for everyone, good feelings. Sometimes there is this fear, I have good wishes and pure feelings, and I am not taking care of whatever the situation is. So there is a very subtle fear of not having good wishes. That means others also will tell you, you must think that way, you must say it that way. We have to be careful, I cannot say it, I cannot do it because I don't want to create an account, but I want to clear it. So the best way really is even if you know someone is wrong, I don't have to keep thinking. The more I think, the more I create. So clearing is really good wishes. As much good wishes as we have for everyone, we are clearing. So whatever Baba is teaching us, we have to apply and that is why Baba is talking about the power of knowledge and understanding because I know that there are two concepts. One is to sit and talk, and the other is to just merge it. Some believe that merging is the way to settle and some say that until we sit and talk, we won't be able to settle, but then it will become our habit. Anything that you are repeating is a habit, so even if you have to say something, then be yuktiyukt. Our words still have to be good words, decent words. So it's very subtle how when there is an account, I know you're thinking words are governed or controlled by that account. You want to be nice, but it doesn't work out. You don't want to say it but still you just say it. It's like you feel you are compelled to do it and there is a sanskar. That is your karmic account. So, every day we watch that, and it's all scenes of Drama also. We have to remember that I have to clear my account, not create more.
Om Shanti