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Transcribed Classes

Embodiment of success #24


Embodiment_of_Success_24              Mohini_Didi             November 24, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone okay? Yes? With Dadi Prakashmani’s story, she said her name was Rama, and it’s so interesting. She said, “Oh, I never had anger, I never lied, and then seeking to have the vision of Lord Krishna, and then she was taken to Oman bling. So it's very interesting the way she's very naturally sharing her story. I think we all have our own story. So each one of us should see when we came to knowledge and what happened, different internal, external situations, it's good to remember that also. It's very nice the words Baba is using ‘clear awareness’. In one word, we say ‘clarity’. There should be clarity, but the other is what we see, what we watch. So Baba is talking about that clear vision and it's very interesting the way Baba is explaining what is required to have clear awareness. That means things are happening around you and in a way you are emotionally moved if it's of sorrow, it's of mercy, whatever. So then there is no inner stillness that is why when Baba says ‘detached observer’, in Hindi we call it ‘sakshidrashta’, you watch everything but you are detached. If that stage is there, then you are still, you're not shaken. Otherwise in our thoughts and our words, we start making comments, but Baba is saying that the fluctuation of your stage makes something clear very unclear. So that means when people are in action in body consciousness and we are also in body consciousness, what we are seeing and the way we are seeing is affecting our stage. So how to go beyond? I think it's a very good answer for what it is to be a detached observer. You just observe it and be detached. So Baba says that because of problems, you are not able to be bright, and therefore it is only when your stage doesn't fluctuate that you can have a clear awareness. I think we should experiment for 24 hours on what it is to be a detached observer. The more you take care of yourself, the clearer you will continue to become, and the success of service will be seen to be that much clearer and closer. You know that whatever Baba says, we have to practice and experiment and then when we say it, I find it very interesting, very fascinating, and I use it. I start from Amritvela. This is how it should be, and even if you can do a few hours, you will immediately know how important it is and how much it helps you to be clear about what you might have heard so many times, but not experienced. It's only when we practice and we experiment, then we really experience it, because I was very still, I was not disturbed, so I could see things as they are. 

That is why like yesterday when one of the sisters said nicely that Baba always gives us drishti for a few moments and when He gives drishti, His drishti is taking us in silence or beyond. Then when we listen to Baba. So I had been thinking that amongst ourselves or when we are giving class, not make them aware that now I'm in silence but take a few moments if you could look at that soul, give drishti that is good, and if not, just maintain silence. Dadi Janki had this habit, whatever she said, there were two things: one was that it appeals to that person, and second, there is a blessing. Whatever she was saying, it will happen. It's very interesting. I noticed both. Once we were in Canada together and there was Parliament, somebody took us to meet a few of the members of parliament and there were like five six of them. They were all sitting around Dadi and Dadi had to say a few words of blessing to each one. So naturally she would say something different. These days we just give blessing cards. In those days, we didn't have blessing cards. So that means you had to speak. So Dadi would take a few moments, go inside and say, every 5 minutes 10 minutes there was another person and Dadi would say it. So people knew that, it’s coming from her silence. She said, “I can't just speak, I just can't say, I have to go in silence.” I think it happens with all of us. If you have to give a talk, you can write points and all that, but if you go in silence, you will be very clear. So observing silence for a few moments before starting any action would make things very clear. So a still mind will be a clear mind. Let us experiment with that.

Om Shanti 



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