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Embodiment of success #25


Embodiment_of_Success_25                Mohini_Didi      November 25, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone is ok? Good. Baba is giving us a lot of work, but it's very important. I was thinking listening to Dadi’s experience, that we all know when we met Baba or when we met the Brahma Kumaris, I was wondering why we just decided to give our whole life for Baba's service. Some are deciding now, so what really touched us? Baba is using the word ‘sacrifice’ our lives. It's not what is simple for us, it is natural and simple but just imagine a 11 years old 12 years old, we all were very young and we all just decided to live the life of a BK, live the life to serve the world, live the life of purity. All those very highest qualities we adopted. Not only adopted, but just lived. Someone was just asking if you have to wear white clothes all the time, I said ‘yes’. You don't get bored for 67 years, same clothes, same hairstyle, everything same. Some say, “How could you do it? You feel like doing certain things, and you all just stay so simple.” On the other side, we are full of enthusiasm and as Baba is now saying, sweetness. I thought that should be the most simple, but it seems like the most difficult. Suddenly, you know if somebody says something or a little sudden irritation starts, or anger will start, or tension will start, and fear might come. Then the sweetness changes. It's a very good record actually, through our drishti, through our smile, through our words, to just be very sweet. Baba is also connecting that quality with a world server. If you want to be a world server, you have to be sweet like honey. Then today the thought is that all Baba’s children are to reveal Baba. Baba says to become like Him, then you can reveal, but today Baba also is telling us a very simple method to reveal Baba. Revelation of the father through your practical proof. Whether it is patience, peace, love, or sweetness. Very simple qualities, but the atmosphere in the world is such that very suddenly, subtle anger comes out and we are a little bit outspoken. That means just have respect, and don’t say certain things. The way we speak is our personality. So Baba is saying that in the field of world benefit, the easy method of success is the revelation of the Father through your practical proof. Whatever you speak should be seen in practical. 

When circumstances come, what should be our stage? We talk so much, right? Then when it comes in front of us, we don't know what to do? I always tell others, “You do it, that's the solution.” If somebody says, “At home, this one gets angry at me.” We will say, just stay peaceful and be in Baba’s remembrance, everything will be ok.” Then if that happens to me, I can’t do that. So it is not a proof. So it is very interesting at every step to see what we are telling others,and if we are doing it in practical. So Baba says that whatever you speak, that should be seen. You say that you Brahmins are world almighty authorities. That means master almighty authorities, conquerors of Maya, merciful, spiritual servers. So let whatever you say be visible in your practical form. Let the sweetness of honey always be with you, and there will definitely be success in every action. It seems like bitterness and negativity has to finally give way to the sweetness. Some kind of love emerges when you are sweet. Spirituality is visible and increases and especially when there are so many adverse situations, circumstances, have you remain sweet, remain calm, remain peaceful. It is like when there is a fire, you extinguish the fire with water, not oil. If you put oil on it, what will happen? The flame will really keep increasing, and everything will be burnt. Burning is like if you are angry and you keep saying it and you start burning little by little, and then finally you feel hard. So It’s quite interesting, the values and qualities that make life very beautiful. So while I'm talking, I am just feeling it and I had a thought about creating determination in my faith. As much determination as I have in my faith, I can do it. I have to do it. We will definitely be successful.

Om Shanti



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