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Transcribed Classes

Embodiment of success #26


Embodiment_of_Success_26 Mohini_Didi         November 26 , 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone is okay, watching Drama? Are you enjoying while watching the Drama? But there are many different feelings or sanskars that emerge like fear, worry, wasteful thinking, doubtful thinking. Many such feelings emerge that we are not able to enjoy Drama, right? So, what do we have to do? We have to have trust, have patience, love for Baba and love for the family. So the more we inculcate all the virtues and the powers, then they will emerge. Love will emerge, patience will emerge, tolerance will emerge, and of course, Baba keeps saying what emerges when you are in soul consciousness and what emerges when you are in body consciousness. So one of the ways also is to just see, let me be in soul consciousness. Let me create my eternal and original virtues. So the more you create your stage, then those virtues will also emerge. Then when you watch with those virtues, you will enjoy the Drama. We have the examples of Brahma Baba and the Dadis. There were so many scenes of Drama, but they were watching. Dadi Janki always used to tell us to wait and watch, wait and watch. Our whole life is really seeing how long to wait or not wait? Should I just let it pass, or should I take action? So internally, somewhere, there is faith and trust, holding Baba’s hand, and remaining merged in Baba. These stages are very important, because when you have a good stage and you watch the Drama, you will not be confused, and you will see some benefit in whatever is happening. You will not get shaken, but remain very stable. This mind, which internally gets disturbed or shaken, remains stable and still, then you see the Drama. Generally, when a Drama begins, they say sit back and relax. So we also have to sit on the seat of soul consciousness, and then watch the Drama. I don't know how many of us really watch the Drama. We're so anxious to play our part, but your time will also come, right? So think deeply about how I can enjoy the Drama and pass with honor. 

So to be successful, today's point is to tie the rakhi of a detached observer. Many people say, “I'd been observing for so long, it's alright”, but what is your response? Sometimes we try to correct so many things, but in correcting, we shouldn't make it worse. We should make it better and better. So always have the rakhi of a detached observer tied and there will very quickly be success in your service. All Baba’s children are very attached to service. A task that takes a month now will take just one hour. That's a really big experiment. So just as you tie a rakhi of purity on others, in the same way, tie in a rakhi of being a detached observer on your own self. To the extent that you remain a detached observer, you will be an image that grants visions, and also you become an image in practical form. So, it's not only that you will have visions, but you will give visions. When your stage is such, the time will come when they are not looking at you as an ordinary person, but as divine, spiritual, sparkling with light. All these visions they will get. I think now is the time that we all have to pay attention. Giving quotes, giving workshops, reading Murli, all that is necessary, but also paying attention to our stage. Many times I've noticed there's a thought, “Why is this not happening?” and it was already happening. So it’s quite a practice. I have to observe, how long do I observe? When do I act? Equality has to be a virtue, has to be used. When a virtue and power is used then you will always be right, accurate, what we call accurate in the Drama. Your part will be accurate. So one is understanding, the other is doing it in practical. So for 24 hours, pay attention to being a detached observer and see what you benefit from that, and what are your experiences. 

Om Shanti



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