Embodiment_of_Success_27 Mohini_Didi November 27, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone must be getting intoxicated, listening to Dadiji’s experience, and also what we have to do. Actually, it matches a lot. When Baba chanted Om Shanti, anyone who went would go into trance. Many were asking, did Dadi go in trance? I said that the first step of trance is having visions. So, she was having a vision of Sri Krishna, gardens of palaces. How powerful the atmosphere must have been, or Baba's image, that everyone who went at that time started going in trance. Also look at the Dadiji’s intoxication, that she said, “I used to go to college but with a lot of distaste, but Baba keeps saying to study, lokik also, but nothing goes in the intellect.” You are studying because you have to, but nothing stays in the intellect. It's very interesting how whatever Dadi received from Baba, she gave to Yagya. When Baba gave his hand in her hand while he became perfect, she was standing there, and Baba gave his hand in her hand. That is transferring the responsibility. I know that we all went there for Baba's last rites and Dadi was there, she was very light, smiling, but she kept saying, “You all have to come now. You all have to be with me.” Also, she said, "I woke up at three in the morning and I said, ‘Baba, let's take care of this yagya together. I'll do it with You.’” She knew how to take care, how to sustain, but a lot of things were the first time. So she started following Brahma Baba. Every morning when she was ready at 6:45, Bholi Dadi would come and say, “What is today's programme? What will be the menu? What other activities will happen?” Then Dadi would give direction. In the Yagya, we had two Dadis; Bholi Dadi and Prakashmani Dadi, both were important. One was taking care of the soul, the other was taking care of the body. If you don't get food, you can't manage right? So Bholi Dadi also with lots of love would cook food, teach others, and then offer to Baba. Listening to Dadi Prakashmani's experience, we all have to go back and think about our intoxication. You know, we can keep going on doing service for another whole age, but we don't want to do that, right? We want to see expansion, success, and inculcation. How will that happen?
So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and while giving thanks to Baba, I think we should have determination to see how I make my attitude clean and powerful. Clean and then whatever is needed, do it. Dadi Janki also had one teaching all the time, ‘clear feelings, and then speak’, because if you still have emotions and feelings and you say something, Dadi was so particular about it, that your face should never change. If you're sitting talking about the issue, we would say to Dadi, “Dadi come help us.” She said, “First change your faces.” If the situation comes on your face, it is not good. She said, “I will come in 15 minutes, and by that time you will all change your faces.” I think Judy might remember that any time anything comes, whether it's pain, whether it is a situation on the face, that means you are feeling now. When you are feeling, then your face shows it. Fluctuation of this state is very important and we have to pay attention to our face, our feelings, and of course attitude is the main thing. Attitude is like fragrance. You cannot see it, but you can smell it. You cannot even describe fragrance. It is the same with attitude, and I think that could be one of your specialties. One could be this takes you ascending which makes you close to Baba. So I think a lot can be done if we take care of our attitude and spread a pure atmosphere. In the beginning, people had visions of BapDada while sitting at home. In the same way now, while sitting at a distance, your powerful attitude will now act as though you catch hold of someone and bring them here. So Baba said to continue to spread a pure atmosphere. Pay attention to yourself at every second and become free from waste thoughts. Like a virus, wasteful thoughts and everything else comes. If we don't pay attention, it becomes a flu, then pneumonia, then it goes on and on. That’s what we find with the cold. So pay attention to yourself at every second and become free from waste thoughts, free from obstacles. Be an image that attracts them. It doesn't matter how much of an atheist and tamoguni someone is, he will appear to be transformed. So Baba says that this service will be successful when your attitude and what you say are clear. We always used to say that in the end there will be days of the beginning. So now is the end right? It is now like the days of the beginning. So, it's such a nice time to hear Dadi Prakashmani and even the Avyakti Signal are both the same in a way. Clean and clear. This is very thoughtful, and we want to practice it. So we start from now Thanksgiving, giving thanks to Baba, but within that, what is not there, I don't think of. Recently someone shared a nice thought that Baba is in a little circle with me, no one else, nothing else. So we have to do that more and more. Ok, we can have a meeting to see what new we do, what new plan is good. It's entertainment, right? Deeply, internally, now is the time really to see the magic. Baba will give us a lot of opportunities, big ones, but we have to be ready. As Baba says, everything is ready, only we have to be ready.
Om Shanti