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Transcribed Classes

Embodiment of success #29


Embodiment_of_Success_29       Mohini_Didi         November 29, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone is okay? Yes, very ok? Yes, very good. That is what Baba has taught us. The mind should be okay, and the body should be okay. Everything should be ok. That’s what we have learned, to be ok. When I hear the word 'success' I just always keep thinking, “Success in what? What is success?” Every time I think about success, I think in a very different way, like Baba says that whatever is your aim, if your attributes and aim are the same, that could be success. If you have an aim and you get it accomplished, that could be success, but also you know it’s also somewhere within, your fortune is to be successful. Everything has to begin with our thinking. So Baba says to always remember that success is your birthright. Now if I think that way, then my capacity, my courage, my enthusiasm inside, will increase. Success is my birthright, so everything really begins from our thoughts. If the thought is powerful, if the thought is perfect, then from the thought, the words, the actions, the way we will perform, everything will definitely be very powerful. So, always have this thought that success is my birthright, but then of course for that, we have to make some effort. So everyday Baba has been giving us some kind of signal. Signals are more like for  inculcation. So  if you inculcate and do this dharna, then you will be successful. I think most of us do feel we are successful. Most of you feel that way, yes? So Baba is saying that the main basis for success is renunciation and tapasya. Since we have come to Baba, we keep hearing this word ‘renunciation’, and also in our lives we have seen what we were when we came to Baba and what we are today on one way we have everything on other way we had nothing before, we want this, we like this, we wanted this, and now we are ok. It’s very interesting when you see how little we have but how happy we are. A renunciate and a tapaswi means one who is always lost in love for the Father, one who is merged in the Ocean of Love. Baba is the Ocean of Love, and to be merged in the Ocean of Love, Knowledge, Bliss, Happiness, and Peace, only such a soul can be called a tapaswi. A lot of people come and ask me, “What is tapasya?” We generally say deep meditation, long hours of meditation, and bodiless stage. Baba makes it so easy for us to just be merged in the Ocean of love. Renunciate and tapasvi children will always make their time, their thoughts, relationships, and connections successful and become an embodiment of success. That means that if I’m able to use everything, I’m successful, but if I don't know how to use it, then time is being wasted or money is being wasted. Anything wasted that means there is no success. So it’s very interesting, the more we think about success, it is to know how to use all our resources in the right way. That is the success. So we are what we call renunciate and tapaswi souls and success is our birthright. Ok, reflect on that and we will get 24 hours of practice. It’s almost the end of the month for the topic of success. So, we can reflect and know that success is our birthright. 

Om Shanti



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