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Embodiment of success #3


Embodiment_of_Success_3                 Mohini_Didi               November 3, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone is happy. Even Dadi Gulzar kept telling us to always be happy. Happiness is connected a lot with contentment. As much as we are content, we are happy. If we are happy, it's also easy to make others happy. Baba is asking us to use attitude to create the atmosphere. Attitude is invisible and very subtle, but it is powerful. I remember that Brahma Baba once called me in the evening. I had gone early in the room, and generally like we go at 9:00 or a quarter past 9:00. That day I went around 9:00. There was something needed, so Baba called me. Are you happy? Are you okay? I said, “Oh I'm fine. I'm okay.” Of course, I was kind of lazy maybe, and Baba when he did not see a lot of enthusiasm, then Baba would ask. Wherever we are, especially if we are in public with people, it’s immediately visible. Am I happy or not? It's the vibrations that tell us. Our attitude is up to us, right? We can create, we can internally find out what is the reason I'm not happy, why I am not enthusiastic today? So you can do checking and then you create that attitude. When you create the attitude, it will help. Like when Baba comes, when children come to Baba's home, even lokik people come. As soon as they enter, they feel immediately that there is a lot of peace here. They look around and they immediately say, “Oh, it's so peaceful.” These days, Baba says that people are not happy, the atmosphere always has tension, heaviness. So, if you want them to experience happiness and peace then it's important for us to immediately create our attitude of happiness, attitude of peace, attitude of joy. I think that whatever kind of atmosphere is needed, just create that atmosphere through your attitude. Think about what the souls need at that time, what kind of atmosphere is needed, and immediately create those kinds of thoughts, and don't hold anything from the past. Sometimes we are holding something, someone did something which is not right. So immediately create an attitude. Baba is saying the special means of success in service at the present time is to create an atmosphere through your attitude. Baba says that nowadays souls find it difficult to move ahead with their own effort. So they need help. What help do they need? Baba says that they are not able to move ahead with their own effort to make the atmosphere powerful with your vibrations. Souls are automatically attracted to take power. Now do the service of maintaining everyone's intellect by giving them sakash in service. They will be successful automatically and bow down in front of you. So success is important. So what does success need? Happiness, determination, and power. Determination or firmness, whatever success needs, create that atmosphere. That means everything first has to be through your thoughts and attitude. So I am responsible for that, and I can only do it when I create an attitude. So, for 24 hours keep this aim, and then see you are able to create success.

Om Shanti



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