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Embodiment of success #4


Embodiment_of_Success_4                   Mohini_Didi                 November 4, 2024

This morning Baba is giving us the blessing to be the jewel of contentment. Baba’s knowledge is eternal and unlimited. As we practice all this, Baba is speaking to us as our contemplation increases and we are able to churn in such a way that not only understanding increases, but that understanding becomes strength. With that strength, we are able to inculcate and imbibe knowledge. I liked what Baba said, but also I immediately questioned myself or in general that point. The blessing Baba gave is that we are jewels of contentment, and the thought which came in my mind is that contentment is when you have all attainments. So, is it the quality of contentment or the blessing or the gift which one gets in life that is first,  then all attainments come, or is it because there are all attainments, I have contentment? I think that contentment is a very good quality as a gift. You must have noticed little children, some they get whatever they get and they are happy, content, and grateful. Some children always sulk and they feel that they haven't been given enough, that's not enough. They would have a lot of sulking, and that means they don't have the quality of contentment. I definitely have this experience of contentment being natural, and when there is contentment, you don't have desires, cravings, and jealousy. If there is contentment, you observe everyone, you want to share with others, and a lot of good qualities emerge. So should I wait until I have all the attainments to have contentment, or should I concentrate on the quality of contentment? It's my fortune, God has given me, I'm not comparing with anyone, there is no jealousy, but they are all content. So reflect on this point and see if you can live with the blessing of contentment. Let every day of my life be happy, be full, be joyful and live with contentment, be happy. So I think it is the same with every virtue. One of the virtues is humility. It is also very natural. Some have ego and some are respectful. When there is humility, you respect others and respect comes, but also internally that respect is from the love you have for the soul. So there is love for all the souls, and also respect. Respect is the means to success in service. To bow with humility is not to make yourself small, but to become full with the fruit of success. To be humble is not small, to be humble is great. You see that great people are always humble. So whatever your intellect decides, let it be according to Shrimat. Do not let anything apart from shrimat enter your intellect. Let there always be the awareness of Baba in your intellect, and the judgement you make will automatically be true and full of success, your judgement will be true. So this habit and practice within yourself is very important. Let's practice keeping Shrimat and judgment based on that. So it's a very interesting point. Some ask, ”What is Baba’s Shrimat?” So while reading murli, understanding karmic accounts, karmic philosophy, it becomes an understanding that is very clear. Then when you use that understanding, you are able to decide what is true, and also you will be successful.

Om Shanti



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