Embodiment_of_Success_5 Mohini_Didi November 5, 2024
Om Shanti!
Baba makes us think, even if it's the same words we are listening to, our thinking is different because our intellect, our mind, everything is different everyday. Today as I am listening, I am reading and thinking that it is so subtle to create that stage, the right stage, the right time, and apply the virtue. It is very subtle because if we don’t do it right, there will be less success. So, I am just thinking that that is why Baba has asked us to have purity in life. Purity will give you that subtlety of intellect, and when the intellect is subtle, then your power to discern is there. This is how to create a stage properly. Baba also is saying that Baba doesn't like it and it doesn’t work well if we are constantly saying, “I have this sometimes. I can use this power but sometimes…” Baba says that when you worship the deities, you don’t say sometimes. They are master powerful, and sometimes they are not? No, they are constantly powerful. So Baba is really emphasizing to do it constantly, and don’t say ‘sometimes.’ I think the percentage is less or more, but it has to be forever. We deeply think that everything we can look at, as soon as you have wasteful thoughts, you have to change and become loving. So, to be loving and detached, or if you are detached and you still have wasteful thoughts, you have to be loving. It is only through the thoughts you come to know if I am applying the right quality at that time or not. Because I was wondering how do I know? So then the answer comes through my thoughts. A lot of wasteful thoughts because I am not detached or I am not loving. So that means even to apply this,to have that stage constantly, you come to know through your thoughts. Then it’s easy, why am I getting these thoughts? Let me change. If I am loving, let me be detached. If I am detached and still there are a lot of other thoughts, then change and become loving.
So today is the day we will practice, create that stage, and have the experience of being successful. In service, you sometimes have to be detached, and other times you have to pay special attention to this. I am only thinking of service all the time, so service with love, but do it while being stable in the stage of detachment. Only then will there be success. If you find that you have less success than the effort you put in, then definitely something is lacking in having the balance of being loving and detached. Many times Baba says to be detached even from the success, go beyond success and defeat, or less success. So I think that through our power of purity and yoga, I know that when we practice and we apply these qualities properly, then immediately you know that what you did was right. So this self-confidence, self-trust and the balance and the success,all these come with truth, with purity, with love for Baba, and understanding of knowledge. So our effort has to be in a different direction, in a proper way. So it is very interesting at least in my thinking, moving towards how much one has to learn all the time, how much through learning and applying we to get success. There is nothing to be scared of but definitely this requires attention on my learning. So if learning is right then everything else definitely will be right.
Om Shanti