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Embodiment of success #7


Embodiment_of_Success_7                    Mohini_Didi               November 7, 2024   

Om Shanti!

Everyone is okay? It's a very big family in Shantivan, about 800 niwasis and most of the niwasis were surrendered during Dadi Prakashmani’s time. I was thinking that all over India, there are many sisters who surrendered to Baba and quite a large number during Dadi Prakashmani days. There was no ceremony, or it was not declared, but there are many who decided to serve Baba only. Yesterday, I had a group from Global hospital and I asked them to raise their hands who surrendered during the time of Dadi Prakashmani. The majority of them raised their hands. It was the same in Pandav Bhavan and Gyan Sarovar. So, Dadi Prakashmani had some very special attraction and that was love. What I am finding is that souls, even though they know that Baba is the Ocean of Love and they feel Baba's love, still they are very thirsty for love. Most of the instruments give gyan, but the atmosphere at the Center has to be spiritual and very much family oriented so that they feel belonging, they feel part of the family. There is a large number and there is only service, karma yoga, but not necessarily time to be together. So, I was realizing how just a very few moments every day to ask about the well-being of Baba’s family is very important. When they ask about their well-being, there is a feeling of belonging. The effort is becoming deeper, but then the outside atmosphere is quite serious, sometimes it makes the souls very heavy. Heavy atmosphere means they are not able to be happy and have contentment. So, today Baba is talking about renunciation and tapasya. What kind of renunciation do we still need after so many years of renunciation and tapasya? The basis of success in service is the renunciation and tapasya. Baba is saying to perform to the one Father and no one else, that is tapasya at every moment. They say constant and consistent. So Baba is also saying to be able to mold yourself according to the time, situation, and person, is to remain constantly easy. It is benefiting the self and the others. So, it is a new kind of meaning of tapasya, moment by moment constant tapasya, but always any minute, every moment there are situations, but thinking only of Baba is tapasya. To create your elevated stage according to the circumstances and to the time, to be able to mold yourself, is known as renunciation. You receive success through this renunciation and tapasya. And so, what is renunciation? Adjustment, mold yourself according to time, according to your situation. So whatever way one needs to be, one should be able to do it. That is called renunciation. Tapasya is to be with One, and renunciation is also to adjust with every time and situation. It's very beautiful, the new meaning of renunciation.

Om Shanti   



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