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Embodiment of success #8


Embodiment_of_Success_8                 Mohini_Didi                    November 8, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone happy, content, joyful? If you remain double light, we will be happy. To become double light, Baba said to empty your brain before sleeping. If there is any thought then the whole night you will have many thoughts and you will not feel double light. So double light really means one is lightness is no burden, but the other light is, spiritual light, light of the soul. So when you have an aim that I have to remain a trustee, but also double light. It’s very interesting, Baba said that if you are honest, truthful, all your desires will be fulfilled. What kind of desires do we have? Do we have desires? Definitely to be successful in Baba’s task now, there is this elevated thought that I am Baba’s Child, I am just an instrument. I am a trustee.  With that elevated thought, we bring many fold success, 1000. So the aim is really what? To be double light, to be a trustee, to be honest. So while performing any task, remain a double light angel and trustee, and you will continue to become, you will continue to receive success. When your heart is clean and your heart is honest, then your desires are fulfilled, no interest, no selfishness. The one who is inspiring is making you do it. Does Baba want or do I want? If Baba wants, the one who is inspiring or making you do it, and if I am doing it, then I will receive the fruit of service according to the power of the soul. So there is a desire for service, even if Baba is inspiring you, but if there is desire, Baba said that whatever success you will get or power will be according to your capacity, it is not going to be 1000. Baba said that when the Father is making us, we do it. I am doing it or the Father is making me do it, then the Father is Almighty Authority. Baba said that one elevated thought in action enables you to receive a1000 fold from the Father. So again, I have to look at how much success I’m getting. It’s a very interesting point actually. We reflect on each word that Baba is saying and make every thought elevated, then you receive 1000 fold. 

Om Shanti



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