Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_1 Mohini_Didi July 1, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Baba gives us homework so that there is awakening, or reminder of what we should be doing. You know in the lokik world, those who are brahmins are invited for auspicious tasks, inaugurations or ceremonies. They invite brahmins because they feel that they are pure. I don't know these days if they are pure, but they were considered to be very pure and the highest class in education and religion, and knowing all the scriptures. So understanding the values and the norms of life, we have been adopted by Baba and we are the mouth born progeny of Brahma. I think that you all are aware of our main quality of purity. We use purity in transformation in the sense of how we have to think, what we have to speak, what we have to do, our relationships with others. When I came to Brahma Kumaris in the early fifties, there was so much defamation in Delhi. On the walls it was written to save yourself from the influence, the magic of Brahma Kumaris, because they used to believe that if you look into the eyes of Brahma Kumaris, you will get magic. So people were very scared. Then there was the conflict and defamation because of purity. When I started coming, I felt very bad, not for myself, but for the sisters, for the Dadis, that they were so pure, they were so divine, why are people saying all these kinds of things? They were honest, they were not after money, they were very clean, honest, and truthful. So, I decided to try to help them with their image. I would go to the editor and say, “This is not what it is, how can you write such articles? What is the proof you have?” So, I came at the time when I know it was very critical and difficult for them. However, it didn't matter if you looked at them, most of them didn’t know anything. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, because they didn't know what people were saying, so they were happy, intoxicated. Anyone who came and spoke a lot of insults or used abusive language, Dadi would give them a lot of love and explain everything. Whatever they were inquiring about, Dadi answered very politely. That was their religion, that was their life, to always speak sweetly, not to react to what people say, but being a bestower and giving what Baba has given you to others. So it was very natural. It was very easy for them. This habit of reaction, when we get aggravated very quickly, not knowing what is behind it, or the outcome, we start doubting the intentions of people, this one is like that. So, then what do you do? Our religion is to uplift all those who are, because of any weaknesses, not doing the right things. So, Baba is saying that, even if someone insults you or accuses you falsely, do not get angry. It is the duty of you Brahmins to uplift those who defame you. When they insult you, embrace them. This is a wonder. This is called transformation. To embrace those who embrace you is not a big thing. However, when you consider someone who defames you to be your own true friend, you will be known as one who uplifts. Criticism or whatever opposition happens is very healthy. It helps you not only to check yourself, but also your power to tolerate, and power to face increases. Internally the quality of forgiveness and nature of letting go. That is why Baba has given us this nature, either Manmanabhav or at least keep reflecting, churning the points of knowledge. So, just remind yourself, don't get provoked, don’t feel any insult, just have love for everyone and uplift them.
Om Shanti