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Transcribed Classes

Feeling of Uplifting Others #11


Updated: Aug 9, 2024

Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_11    Mohini_Didi           July 11, 2024

Bhog Message

Om Shanti!

Taking everyone's loveful remembrances, I went to offer bhog to Baba. Baba on the day of Satguru invokes all the children to come to subtle regions. So when I was in front of Baba, Baba was giving very loveful drishti to all of us, to the gathering, but also personally. Whatever we want to say to Baba, offer to Baba, is through drishti and then what Baba has to give all that is through drishti. So, the few moments were very lovely, and Baba’s drishti takes us beyond everything. Baba’s drishti also fills everything in us. Then Baba accepted bhog. Many offer bhog to Baba, and Baba says that whatever is the bhavna when you offer, Baba fulfills the bhavna of everyone. Then Baba said that the thought of belonging, those who are heir souls, they will always feel that they belong not only to Baba, but also to the Yagya. When Baba comes, He creates this Yagya so that we can offer ourselves, burn our vices, whatever is in the Yagya. Some children fluctuate a lot even in their faith, there is a lot of up and down. One thing Baba wants to say is that if you want to feel the double light or ascending stage, then you children have to remain very stable and consistent. In offering, all are numberwise, but after offering, to remain completely as a trustee, where there is no I or mine. Sometimes children get into this, “I did it, I'm good at this” or “I can do this.” As much as you go beyond, Baba can make you an instrument for unlimited service. Baba makes you Nimit then. If there is I and mine, then you become an instrument, it’s your own qualification, but when Baba makes you an instrument, Baba makes you Nimit, you are beyond I and mine. So Baba was saying that Maya plays her own games, but those who follow Shrimat accurately, do everything accurately, Maya has no chance to interfere, to attack, or to do anything. So always remember that I have to remain beyond, I have to remain a trustee and I and mine, subtle ego, should never come. Such instruments Baba likes because Baba can use them in an unlimited way, whether it is in subtle form or whether it is in physical form. So, those children who want to be an instrument then be above, be beyond I and mine, and just be a trustee. That will make your stage very stable and consistent. When you go to Baba, you want to just keep taking from Baba, through Baba’s drishti. Baba gave lots of love remembrances to everyone. Om Shanti! 

Didi’s Class

Om Shanti!

Understanding each other, feelings, bhavna, and also communicating, understanding and communication can help, where not only the gathering becomes strong, but also there is cooperation. I think some of you might remember in 1998, we did a project called Global Cooperation. If you want the world to be better, then we need to cooperate with each other. Then there are so many memorials like Sri Krishna’s fingers or everyone's finger or hand to uplift a very heavy mountain. I remember Brahma Baba when I went to Baba they had just started doing meetings. Many educated ones had started coming and they all wanted a meeting so things could be discussed. So first it was 12, then 20, and one time there were 50. Baba kept extending the group and then of course the meeting meant everyone would share their ideas, their plans. So they shared and then Didi would say that Baba will come and finalize. One of the very important things which came out of that was the balance of child and master. You express yourself as a master and then accept everything as a child. You think like a master, responsible, and share your plan, but when it is final what has to be done, be a child, obedient and do it. Some people have difficulty because they feel whatever I have said, “Why is it not being done?” At that time they think they are the ones who are masters. Baba teaches us many types of balances, like love and law, love and discipline. So in the gathering, when we have our dharna based on these principles, wherever you are, you become part of the family, part of the gathering. You can really play a very good role, getting the task accomplished. If you have your own manmat and you always want to do it in your own way, then you cannot be part of the gathering. So the same I think must be happening with the rosary of 108. We know that the eight beads make the rosary of eight. To be part of 108, you have to be part of eight. That is why Brahma Baba created the trust of eight, the importance of eight is there. I always say if eight can work together, then 100 definitely can. So, Baba wants us to be part of small gatherings, big gatherings, so that we can hold on to the power of the gathering. Of course, some dharnas are important, and Baba in His Avyakti signal is telling us what we have to do. Baba is saying to consider a mistake done by someone in your gathering to be your mistake. This means to strengthen the gathering, never raise fingers to anyone, raising a finger to anyone means raising four towards yourself. So Baba says that you can do this when you have faith in one another. For this, you definitely need one another, you need the power to accommodate, to emerge. Then Baba says that you totally accommodate whatever you see or hear when your vision is of soul consciousness and benevolence, when your feelings are of mercy for one another. Baba says that then your gathering will be made powerful and with such a gathering, there will be success. At present, you ask for success, and at that time Baba says success will bow in front of you. So this is the homework for tomorrow. 

Om Shanti



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