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Feeling of Uplifting Others #12

Feeling_of_Uplifiting_Others_12              Mohini_Didi                 July 12, 2024

Om Shanti!! 

Baba’s world benefactor children. We have to constantly remind ourselves of what task Baba has given us, and that we are the instruments. So then it becomes very natural in this awareness of being an instrument to uplift others. I was thinking that it’s only possible if our own stage is high, doesn’t fluctuate, doesn’t come down for any reason. So, I am in an uplifting stage, that means internally that there is nothing for anyone, whether that soul is sinful, has some bad habits or whatever weaknesses that soul has. This is one of the practices, we should have to look at the specialty of that soul. Every soul  has some weaknesses, but also very special points. It’s like we love fragrance, wherever there is fragrance we are attracted. So how to create a vision of being a world benefactor? First, I have to look at the virtue of that soul, the specialty of the soul, the skill of that soul. Once Baba had said that there won’t be anyone who does not have some qualities, but there is a nature of looking at the weaknesses because of body consciousness. Through my drishti, someone can feel uplifted. When we look at the specialty of that soul, that soul will start blossoming, and will feel very happy. I look at the specialty and describe the quality of that soul. I think we should experiment with that tomorrow, not only with thoughts but even through words, I should say, “She is so special. This soul is full of qualities.” Talk about the specialty of that soul and you will feel not only that soul will feel uplifted, but you will also feel uplifted. Whatever feelings I have for myself, those are the feelings I will share with everyone else. That is why there is the slogan, self transformation brings world transformation. If your own energy is not very high, you will think and look and speak only of the weaknesses. Baba is saying that whatever that soul is in soul consciousness, my connection with that soul is uplifting, and if I do that then the other soul also will look at your positive side, your good qualities. Whatever I give, whether through thoughts, words, actions, you will experience that it’s coming back to you. You’re also receiving. 

So Baba says to constantly have good wishes, so you’re giving yourself good wishes. Any quality which you use for others, you are actually giving to yourself. When that is experienced, it’s a big attainment, then automatically your habit, your nature will also become like that. So Baba is asking us to have the awareness of world benefactors. Baba is saying you must not dislike or hate even very sinful souls. Actually, they need more good feelings than anyone else because that could change them. Baba says that sinful souls who cause a lot of deformation are those who are like storks. Do not disrespect them, but stabilize them in the stage of a world benefactor, and remain merciful. With your feelings of mercy, consider that relationship to be for service and continue to do service. You can serve someone who seems to be a hopeless case, like sometimes people are addicted to many things, and you try different ways to send them for counseling or rehab, but it doesn’t happen. So generally others will say hopeless, but we have to still serve. So Baba says that when you serve someone who seems to be a hopeless case, the more worthy you will become to claim a prize and be praised as a famous world benefactor. Baba says that you will always receive a prize of peace-maker. Some people create more conflicts, some create more peace. So, we have to be very careful and pay attention that you can help to change the situation, not agree with it. Every task of transformation that comes in front of us, we just need to do it. Pay attention to it for your own homework and for world service. 

Om Shanti

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