Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_14 Mohini_Didi July 14, 2024
Om Shanti!
The mind and intellect are two main abilities. We also use word faculties, and these are the two which are very important in life. All our thoughts and feelings come in the mind. Thoughts are very important because every thought is like a seed, and thoughts also create vibrations. So, whatever thoughts are in the mind, and then our feelings are also in the mind. That is why Baba wants us to keep our mind and intellect both clean, clear, and no pollution, whether it is of desire, or any kind of feelings. Feelings should be very pure, and internally when you look at that, you know certain things that didn't feel good, things I don’t like. I feel that whenever Baba says something, we take it as our homework, but also it’s so important to do it because there’s more clarity, and we are able to see what we need to do more. Generally the day begins with Amritvela, then Murli, and then we are karmayogi the whole day. When we are doing the homework, we immediately notice the mind and intellect, which is very important. Baba says that we should be checking and changing. I really like the homework because it’s like paying attention the whole day. Then immediately you can clean it, no? If you don’t have attention and the pattern of thinking, the feelings continue, and I don’t make any changes in it, then my faculty of mind and intellect will not improve. That’s what we found with Baba and Mama, they had very elevated feelings for everyone. Whatever they did, little mistakes or things which were not very favourable to the Yagya, Baba and Mama gave them a lot of love. Sometimes they don’t realise, even some left the Yagya but they had a lot of love for Baba. They might have conflicts amongst themselves, but no one had a problem with Baba. Someone asked Dadi Janki that if we say something then the other person senses it, they will feel it, but when you say it, they don’t feel it. So Dadi said, “First thing, anything happens I have to say I work on myself, that means I remove those feelings based on which I am talking. So they won’t feel it too. If you felt bad, you felt humiliated, then the other person will also feel that.” So I liked it very much when she said, “I clean my feelings first then I say it.” Some people say, “Should we say or not?” We need to say it, it’s alright, but with pure feelings, uplifting the soul. So say it, but not holding anything in your attitude, in your feelings, or in your mind. Don’t hold, it’s past, no! So that is what it means to have a clean intellect. Sacrifice your time, your happiness, your name and fame and desire for any attainment. Become the great donors who have renounced the desire to receive, then Baba said would you be said to be full of the feelings of uplifting others. Baba says that those whose minds are clean and can have an attitude of uplifting those who defamed them. If you have waste thoughts for yourself or for others, that is not a clean mind. When you have a clean mind and a clean-clear intellect, you can be the one who can uplift others. Deeper and deeper meaning, deeper and deeper clear directions Baba gave. So that is very important to pay attention.
Om Shanti