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Transcribed Classes

Feeling of Uplifting Others #15


Feeling_Of_Uplifting_Others_15    Mohini_Didi          July 15, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

Baba has given us such a high aim, but that aim is what we were. Baba says, “So hum, hum so.” I like that very much because we are not doing anything new. We were deities, we lost our rights, we lost our qualities, Baba has come and not only adopted us, and gave us the quality of purity love, Baba is making us pure again. We feel that, right? When we heard about purity, we really immediately felt that that's what I would like to be, to have a pure life, and there was no struggle. Most of us found that it was very natural and we felt very happy because of purity, pure relationship, pure drishti, pure words, everything pure. Then again, purity should bring some very beautiful dharna or qualities, and one of them Baba describes as seeing the virtues of everyone. You want to feel that you are uplifting someone. Uplift means lifting up. It's only when you look at the virtue, it's not that you are using someone, but you are appreciating. We can see what that soul needs more, then we have a feeling of upliftment, or as Baba says, ‘mercy’. This soul has so many qualities and I wish we can have a little more. I feel that all the souls have all the qualities, all the virtues, but it is the percentage. What is the percentage? Everyone has patience, but with some of the tasks or in relationship situations, we need more patience. I find that everyone has all the virtues, but what we need is to be complete and accurate. Sometimes you are tolerating, and it's not necessary, or you have patience, but it’s extra. So, I like when Baba says that you have to use power or that power should emerge at the right time. If I need tolerance, I start confronting where I need to face, then I come into conflict. So the right power is not emerging. So this is a very beautiful version to see the virtues of every soul. Someone’s intellect is full of concentration, someone's intellect is very creative, someone's intellect has power to discern, someone is like a creator. Everyone has different qualities, because everyone has an intellect. With Baba’s children, there is purity. Purity definitely brings powers in us, virtues in us. Baba tells us in Murli to just pay attention to maryadas and follow Shrimat. Maryadas are very important, whether it is with the time, Amritvela should be good, listening to Murli properly, and then following Shrimat accurately. All this will help to increase our virtues and we will become complete. Then Baba said that success will follow you. You won't be after success, but success will follow you. 

So when we inculcate these virtues we have many experiences from the dharna, and that helps us to be not only stable, but we are ascending. If someone says, “Oh, I really use so much patience during work.” So you won't be motivated, because you gave up in between. Maybe if you would have maintained patience until the end, trust your own patience, you would see different results. When the results are good, there is motivation. So every time we look at the virtues, then different aspects should emerge in us. You will enjoy it if you look at the virtues of others. When you look at any weaknesses or defects, that won't bring happiness, or closeness, or friendship. Even in friendship, we appreciate each other. Mama always used to raise the soul a lot. Then in the end, she would say, “Just pay attention to this thing.” She never will start with, “You need to pay attention to this more.” It’s like a correction. Someone was asking, should we not give them corrections? Mama said to try to maintain connection and then self-correction will happen. I learned from Didi Manmohini also. She would draw our attention to certain things and then she would say, “Ok, after going from Madhuban what will you do?” So, I told her 1, 2, 3, what I will do. She said, “That's what I would have told you to do.” So she used to see what her expectations were from us. If they matched, then she would say the same thing. It was very interesting and it used to be enjoyable from Didi’s drishti or words and explaining to us what should be our dharnas and what should be our virtues. 

So, Baba is saying see the virtues of every soul. Sometimes people don’t see virtues in a positive way. Sometimes I feel that determination gets mixed with stubbornness, a very determined person that crosses this border. There are certain people who are very hasty. The power to discern is a good quality, but we need to have patience also to balance it. So we have to see how we adopt the virtues. Everyone has certain needs in their life, but if it's becoming greed, then you have to be very careful. Virtue should remain virtue, not become vice. So Baba is saying to always uplift others. If you want to uplift others, you only see the virtues of every soul, at every moment, like the Father. Even while seeing someone's weaknesses or defects, they would donate power, with their good wishes and feeling of cooperation to make that soul virtuous. This is having mercy on others. This is what Brahma Baba did. Any time you made some mistake, Baba never corrected through words, but he would remain a lighthouse and mighthouse in front of us. It's like Baba is donating the power, because at that time, you have to be merciful toward the soul, because the soul is aware. The soul is kind of nervous, too. So be merciful and be a good example to give light and might at that time. That is uplifting others. 

Om Shanti



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