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Feeling of Uplifting Others #16

Feelings_of_Uplifiting_Others_16               Mohini_Didi             July 16, 2024

Om Shanti! 

We were listening to Baba, so should we take it in the morning or should we see it as Baba giving us the signal to use now? We are prepared to remain strong, to remain stable in the future. So instead of fluctuating or instead of having concerns and worries, what will happen? Many feel that Baba has left us. Baba has said, “I am always with you.” The only thing is that the beginning, they had the experience of Shiv Baba through Brahma Baba, so that definitely was a great experience, and then there was Avyakt BapDada for how many years? Almost 40 years. So,  at least Baba would come, He used to come very regularly. Then He started coming less and less. It was a personal meeting, and then a general meeting. We know that everything has limits in the physical world. Time has a limit. Body has a limit. Space has a limit. Everything has a limit. So that means everything changes with time, but Baba’s task hasn't been completed yet. Baba says, “I will take you all with me.” Baba is preparing us, so don’t be scared. I know that when Avyakt BapDada started coming, there were a lot of rumors that this is the last time Baba is coming, so everyone must go. Then they would call me and say, “This is the last time Baba is coming.” I say that whatever they will announce, He will announce Himself. We have to travel with Baba in the sense of His teachings, in  practice, dharna, or service. Sometimes we think so big. It feels like  a lot, and requires a lot of effort. Baba is saying to do what Baba did. Baba used to wake up naturally at Amritvela and sit in a very relaxed way. He would talk to Shiv Baba and He would churn knowledge. He would look at the family and then the whole day in a very natural way, the company he kept that they both were kind of together and combined. Baba has been saying to just follow the footsteps of Brahma Baba. That means the effort. Baba was very natural. Even I could feel that he was very intense in the sense of attentive, especially in remembrance of Baba and also seeing that there is no trace of “I” and “mine”. I don’t know how he did it but he did. He never mentioned what he did. Baba makes us do it. So this “I” and “mine” sometimes deprive us of many things. So prepare for that stage, angelic stage. 

Everyday in Murli, there are practices. We get Avyakti signals. We can practice, just practice. When you practice, you will have that stage, and when there is that stage, Baba says not to go by little things, because little things will happen. They will continue to happen, but don’t make them very big. Baba says that some children make everything so big, but what do we have to do? Make big things into tiny, and mountains into mole hills. Recently Baba said even into cotton wool. So prepare for that stage, not fluctuations where there is disturbance inside. There is concern inside of the future, what will happen? Until today, everything has happened so good, so the future will also be very good. Sometimes we are at present, we waste our time with the concerns of the future. Be in the company of Baba, remember Baba, be very light, no sorrow, just enthusiasm. Baba says that there are four things; the thought, the aim, enthusiasm, and determination. This Sunday, Baba was saying that all these four are important. Why does enthusiasm reduce? Why does determination reduce?  It is because we get caught up in little things. 

So for tomorrow our homework is to be an Emperor of the land without sorrow. To donate all your treasures to all the souls is to uplift them. Those who uplift others in this way will experience themselves to be full of the treasures. Every power and virtue, when you give, it multiplies. Generally, anything you give, it reduces, but not your inner treasures. So Baba says that those who uplift others in this way will experience themselves to be full of all treasures and Emperors of the land without sorrow. 

The sanskars of sorrow cannot emerge even in their thoughts. Everything begins from thoughts. For this, renounce the consciousness of “I” even from your attitude. Let there always be Bap and Dada in your awareness. Let there be just these words on your lips and you can be the Lord of the world, you serve the world. So Baba expects that if you are in gyan for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, whatever years, that you are not in the same stage as when you came. Baba is explaining to us, helping us to make different efforts, giving us different practices, and we have to do it. How much respect we have in doing that shows in the present circumstances. You are at the right place with the right part. It is not that I am not in the wrong place or this is not my part. This is my part. So, then how do I use the teachings, the power of yoga, dharna, elevated actions of service? So, if I have all four subjects and I am good in all four, every moment Baba is present and Baba takes care of us. So have no concerns, no fluctuations, but a very beautiful angelic stage.

Om Shanti

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