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Transcribed Classes

Feeling of Uplifting Others #17


Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_17              Mohini_Didi              July 17, 2024

Om Shanti!

Is everyone okay, happy? Yes? It seems like Avyakti Parivar has blessings! Every time I see you, and seeing you means you are well physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially, in all different ways. When I was listening to Mama, it's only one point that she was trying to explain, that you have to tolerate. Now when there is pain in the body, you have to tolerate. So that could be settling your karmic account, but in Baba’s service sometimes it's possible you have less sleep. You might go through some circumstances where tolerance has some unlimited result. Like she gave an example of Mahatma Gandhi, that he was short but he was glorified. You are doing it with a purpose, with a cause, like we are doing for Baba's service, for world peace, for happiness and peace of others. So any tolerance which is a kind of sacrifice, and sacrifice brings some good results. It's a very good point because when there is physical pain you remember Baba, and  with the power of yoga, you know that  settling is happening. You will not call that settling but creating fortune that is, as Baba says, for glorification or sometimes for vices. Someone is getting angry, but you don't have to get angry. So you are trying to be the conqueror of vices because Baba wants you to renounce the vices. So I cannot get angry. There is a difference in tolerance. One tolerance is for a purpose, one tolerance is your settling of karmic accounts. The other point which is very good, was when Baba is said, ‘Vidhi and siddhi’, any worshipping even when it is done or when we offer bhog, it's similar. So when we have worshipping, then we have what to put, what material. I have seen at a young age, for the full moon, they call it ‘Satya Narayan, they do a full moon puja’. They prepare so much, half a day they will make a kind of offering, it takes a few hours, and they put everything together in a proper way. They say there is significance - vidhi. So, it is the same as Baba is saying for yoga. Listening to Murli, what is the right method? Giving knowledge, what is the right method? So adopt the right methods so there will be accomplishment, but also it will be consistent. People adopt different new ways, but they don't last for long. So many things began and they diminish after some time because they were not going in the right way, or in the right direction. So to be consistent, to be successful, to be stable we have to adopt vidhi.

Now our homework for tomorrow is ‘be a donor consistently’. Baba is saying to continue to donate constantly especially through the power of your thoughts. It's very good because then the habit of wasteful thoughts or negative thoughts is not there. Actually Baba is saying that your thoughts should be those that will benefit. Today we had a little experience. I won't go into detail, but the lady who was involved was a psychologist. I said, “Don't worry, don't be nervous.” She said, “No, I'm sorry.” I said, “Yes that's okay, it was your mistake.” I was surprised that I should have gotten upset and said, “How can you do this?” and “You have to be more careful.” Rather,  I told her that it's okay, that everything will be taken care of, you don't worry. It has become our nature now to make everyone comfortable, to see that nothing happens to anyone. Even if something wrong has been done,  it's already done, we will sort it out. So the power of your thoughts and the power of your words through the colour of your company, enthusiasm, happiness, nature, whatever. The nature of the company through loveful relationships and through your limitless treasure of happiness, is to have mercy for others and uplift them. Let his soul who comes into contact with you return with the treasure of happiness. Become such consistent donors. Baba said that it is mansa, mind, thought, words and actions. If you have aimed to serve with all three, you earn three times the income. Accumulation also happens when you are able to serve in all three different ways. Create your fortune and you become that. The whole aim is to be like Baba or to reach our stage of perfection. 

Om Shanti 



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