Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_21 Mohini_Didi July 21, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is good? Yes? Very good! So listening to Baba's Avyakti signals we become complete. Every day Baba gives different versions, different understandings. This morning also in Murli, what did Baba say? Baba said that you have to become angels, but you also have to be karma yogi, an ‘angelic karma yogi’. I was really thinking about how important it is, if we are making efforts and becoming angels, then only you can continue to be karma yogi. Otherwise, either you are tired or you are disappointed, and sometimes you feel there is not enough cooperation. I realise that when Baba says ‘angelic stage’, it means spiritual efforts. From time to time sit and practise bodiless stage, remembrance of Baba. I think that everyone does make effort but it has to be more consistent, and more often, so you can continue to do karma yoga. Any duty one has, if you can comfortably, easily, lovingly, continue to fulfil that, that means you are becoming an angel, because Baba's service keeps growing, Baba's task is expanding. There will always be more and more karma yoga, but when you become angelic, you see more cooperation will come, more people will be inspired to see you doing something, and they come forward. They become cooperative and will offer their help. That will be the result, and when that happens you don't feel that is too much for you. So, I will propose to everyone, those who like to do service of any kind, that you will not get tired if you are making effort, and also be angelic, because angels don't get tired, angels will do it, perform it. So this word tired has to be out of the dictionary if you are angelic. If we look at the Yagya, it's now how many years souls are serving, whether they are in the kitchen, whether they are in accommodations, whether they are in food, whatever they have to do. There are some that we never hear from them. I'm tired now, I don't want to do it, no. They create a big army of cooperative souls. Our toli department, once we visited, made thousands of toli, and there was a lot of enthusiasm to make it. Sometimes I think, don't they get tired because they keep doing it? When I talked to them, I found that they really have a lot of enthusiasm and I feel, the reason is the effort to become angelic.
So, today Baba is saying that one of the ways to feel complete is when you are uplifting, when you have feelings of uplifting everything. So that means completeness, full of feelings. This is only possible if you have feelings of upliftment, bhavna. Baba is saying that those who are full of feelings of upliftment, anything you do is for benefit, for service. Those who have feelings of upliftment and mercy will always be jewels of contentment. They themselves will be content and will make others content. Many people will come and say that this is so difficult, not practical, it's not possible, but one who has contentment will reply in such a way that it will uplift others. So Baba said that their wonder is that they will create hope in those who are hopeless. We can't give up on our spiritual journey which includes being karma yogi. Their lamp of hope always remains ignited for people. Their lamp of hope always remains ignited for people and situations that to others have seemed hopeless. Sometimes it's towards a person you have expectations or a vision for that soul, but it's slow, it's gradual, or maybe doesn't seem very evident, but don't lose your feelings of upliftment. It will definitely work. In some cases, it works immediately and in some cases, it takes longer time, but our effort is to maintain the feelings of upliftment. Baba said that that feeling will make you complete. I think in any kind of karma yoga or any service, it is very important to maintain the feelings of upliftment.
Om Shanti