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Feeling of Uplifting Others #26

Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_26           Mohini_Didi                 July 26, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone okay? I had the fortune to be with Didi Manmohini. I took spiritual birth in Delhi, and Didi was incharge of Delhi. She was very loving but very firm, and very clear in whatever she had to discern and decide. I remember anytime we asked anything, Didi would have a clear answer. Didi is the one who helps us to understand how to follow Brahma Baba. Of course, you know that one of the main qualities is obedience. Some feel that how can I be obedient? Obedience is respect. Obedience is like what Baba and Didi did, thinking of our upliftment. It's not like obedience is like being a servant or somebody just giving directions. Actually, they help us to grow. I remember that Baba and Dadi Prakashmani always helped us to develop our power to discern. When I was in Guyana, the service was very high level politically but also, the opposition was also little more from religious leaders, because the sisters were getting very popular. They felt that we were taking away the job of priests. We said, “No, we don't do all that, we only teach meditation.” So surprisingly, they all started reading the books of Raja Yoga meditation, and in their lectures they would start talking about that. So, I told Dadi that it's very good service, but it's a little far, because at that time there were no centers. It was Hong Kong, London, and Guyana. So, I said that maybe someone else can go. Sister Hemlata was there. Dadi said, “Yes, it's ok, but tell me who?” So, the next day, Dadi said, “Have you thought about it?” I realized that I cannot just leave it like that.” So, I said to Dadi, “I will go for another year, and maybe after that we can think.” So, they would always say, “Ok, do you have any other ideas? Do you have any other plans?” The Dadis would never force you to do anything, never. They were very much into seeing that when we grow older, maybe they knew that one day we would be the ones who have to help the Yagya. 

So uplift in the right way. One of the qualities is  to say ‘yes’ to Baba. Then you see the wonders, all He does, what He does, and what He makes you do, through you. So, I think that to follow Baba, it has to be in both ways; becoming an angel and also being a karma yogi. I like this theme very much from Sunday's Murli, and today also we heard again that if you are really making effort to be in the angelic stage, you can remain karma yogi until the end. Otherwise, many of Baba’s children get tired; I don’t think I can do it, this is too much to do. They are there, then in between they are not consistent. If you are really becoming angelic, you won’t feel there is any difficulty, but also there will be a lot of cooperation because they are attracted by your stage, and they like to be with you. They like to join you in anything, everything you do. So, Brahma Baba was becoming an avyakt angel and took care of the Yagya until the last moment. He was never tired of situations, difficulties from children leaving. So many things happened. We think things are happening now, but I think things were happening from the very beginning, it’s only because our population of BK is quite large. So problems, situations, different stages of children which could become helpful, but also obstacles. So Brahma Baba never felt tired or fed up or said anything to you, no, he observed, inspired and became perfect in his own stage. 

There is a lot for one to think about, but our homework for tomorrow is how Baba went beyond thinking of self, my name should be glorified, how much I surrender, so many houses, so much wealth, no, never. There was no consciousness of ‘my name’ or ‘my fame.’ So, that’s why Baba is saying that father Brahma made the children masters and considered himself to be a server. He gave them the respect of being masters. Do you all feel like you are masters? He gave them honor and name, and always encouraged each child. Baba says that he never glorified his own name, and he always said “my children.” The father renounced name, honor, respect, and uplifted others. He considered his own happiness to be the happiness of the children. Even if you are sometimes lazy, Baba knows something is wrong. I remember one time we had taken a group, and one of the mothers was VIP’s wife, fetching water in her thermos. So somebody told Baba, and Baba said to call Mohini, because we were supposed to help the group. So he said to me, “Are you okay?” I said that I was okay. It was 8:45 pm, and for whatever reason I went into the room early. So really he cared. Happiness is for everyone to be happy. Baba says that in the same way, follow the Father, fill with the feelings of upliftment, for only then will the task of world benefit be completed. So where do we focus the service, self or the world? As we serve the self, that much we are able to serve the world. Baba creates methods where you will be able to serve the world.

Om Shanti 

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