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Feeling of Uplifting Others #27

Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_27               Mohini_Didi                July 27, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

I feel it’s very important to connect ourselves with the advance party or ancestor souls, the roots of the tree. That is why in Avyakti Parivar, from the very beginning, we always talk about one of the ancestor souls because we feel if we have to be nurtured whether it's a branch or the leaves, the water has to be given to the roots. Sometimes, of course, we spray water on the leaves to make it look green or they become clean, but the nurturing quality comes from the roots. So it's very important that as Baba is the seed, We see many tapaswi sitting at the roots of the kalpa tree, and from there is the trunk. Then there are branches, sub branches, twigs and then so many little leaves. So sometimes it does happen that when the leaves are washed, they look very green, they're attractive, but it's not that they can give any nurturing. So it does happen sometimes we are very attracted to new kind of explanation, souls who give talks, who have more intellectual stuff, but it's not that you get power from there. So that’s why it’s very very important for us to read what Didi said, what Dadi said, or what Mama said, and Jagdish bhai’s classes. They are like the roots, and they have changed every thought of knowledge to their practical life, not just they only know the knowledge and they explain knowledge, but they are the image of that knowledge. In the beginning, there was so much defamation, and a lot of people thought about Brahma Baba, about BKs, but Baba always said in the end also, the day Baba was leaving, that  those who defame you are your friends. That means we still have good wishes and do everything to uplift them. Of course, I had the fortune to be with all the Dadis as a young Brahmin but then they became angelic, angels, so many of them you don’t know. Many of you know, have you seen Dadi ji? Didi? So these are the opportunities. When we are celebrating Didi’s day, or yesterday brother Charlie was with us, I don’t know how many of you were present for avyakti parivar. I also say if you are not present in the evening, you listen to YouTube in the morning. So beautifully what his experience was about Mama, and the day before Gopi Behn from London, she also shared some beautiful things. So, it’s always in Avyakti parivar, we try to bring all those souls. Gopi was two years old when she came to gyan, and Charlie bhai was 22. He spent a lot of time with Didi, and very few were there. Just to look at them after so many years, how beautiful, how stable, and how fresh they look. 

So, tomorrow is Didi’s day. I am reading the homework for tomorrow. All the qualities of Didi ji in practical. She wanted that for every word to speak, it is a word of blessing. Even some reminding someone of what they couldn’t do. Reminding is okay, but saying in such a way to make that person feel guilty or bad, she wouldn’t like that. She would immediately say, “That’s not a blessing,” and she would keep reminding us of what we are and what we are becoming. So that’s how our thoughts and actions should be. So, tomorrow’s homework is even for those who defame you, even if there are karmic accounts, I shouldn’t have those ill feelings in my heart, in my mind, in my thoughts, because I will suffer. That negativity is within me, even if it is for someone else, it becomes for the self. Whatever you are thinking for others, it’s first for yourself. So that is why to uplift someone, those who defame you, is the duty of a knowledgeable soul. To be a knowledgeable soul means to have the feelings of benefit for everyone, and not to have the slightest thought of bringing a loss to anyone. Even in bhakti, someone did something and used to say that it will happen to you also. We can’t say that, I wish that it doesn’t happen to you. Only when you have feelings of mercy and upliftment for those who defame you will you be said to be a world benefactor. So, to be eligible to sit under the trunk of that kalpa tree, I have to be a world benefactor. If that thought is there, then you sit next to all those raj yogis, our Dadis and then through you, you also nurture the whole tree. 

Om Shanti

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