Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_28 Mohini_Didi July 28, 2024
Om Shanti!
One thing which we all have learned from Baba is churning the knowledge, reflecting on each point, on each word actually, and bringing some real meaning, not necessarily new meaning. So, I have been thinking about what is true uplifting? There is a chinese proverb, “instead of you feeding the fish, you teach fishing”. You can feed someone but not you can do it forever. So that person also has to learn how to fish. So when it comes to uplifting, it is helping, but also making that person capable, or when power is required, it's powerful. In 1947, there was partition of India and it was divided and there were two countries. It was not a good time during partition. So, it was not only in countries, but then religion also always became part of everything. That is why in the Golden age, Silver age, religio-political powers are both in the king Sri Krishna, Lakshmi-Narayan. These days state and church are separate. Baba said that they are double crowned princes and princesses, highness and holiness. So highness is what? Sovereignty and kingdom, we can call it politics. There was no politics in the Golden Age, but one who had the power of governance. So it was combined, not divided. When the partition was there, it became a big thing between two religions. So there was a lot of bloodshed, a lot of loss, and many families, parents, children were separated. I still remember when we moved to the part which is called India, because my lokik family was in a government position. Before the date of partition, one month, two months before, they brought their government employees with all their belongings and family and everything and gave us a very big quarter where a very big extended family can stay. So we thought about how we can help those who became orphans or especially for children. So my grandfather established a trust for children who could get a fee or stipend or whatever for their education. So there were many children who couldn't afford or didn't have parents or parents lost everything. I remembered those children when they all grew after education and got some positions. So their love for our family was there.
Some of the principles, of course, I learned from my lokik family because they were very generous and charitable. Whole world is divided into who has what. So I learned about uplifting. What is the best way? Should we give money? Should we give whatever help? We can increase the capacity or ability of those souls in some way or another. So some were not able to really study because their minds were in trauma and they didn't have concentration. So then we created certain things, like sewing schools, and some things which were more physical than intellectual. So when it comes to uplifting, the first thing we always think is maybe it's money. Dadi Janki said that her treasures are of knowledge. If there is understanding, you know something, and you are sensible. I think that becomes uplifting in life. Not having power, what do you do? How do we give power? Again, through knowledge. In knowledge, yoga also comes, dharna comes, seva comes. Brother Charlie and Brother Ken were in their 20s when they went to London. They saw something and they said, “Let's go.” They had long hair like hippies. So after taking the course, they started cutting the grass and taking care of the garden. They said to Dadi, we don't have money, but still we have a healthy body. So we can do your gardening, you know, and whatever physical work is required. They grew from there and Dadi immediately said that they were very sensible, giving something, they want to do something. So any type of inspiration to do karma yoga of any type, is also strengthening that person's fortune. After that, we always joke, we say you are Prince Charles because he's from a very royal family, a good family. Many foreigners, double foreigners are seekers. They went to India, they went to Indonesia, Bali, they will go to find God, search for God, and then when they got knowledge, they came to know Baba, and they made their life full of dharna, proper dharna for everything. Until now, when they have to start eating, they will think of Baba, take 2-3 minutes and be vegetarian. So Baba is saying at present, many souls have the desire to uplift the self, but they don't have courage or power. You children who uplift others are instruments to uplift such weak souls. Only with a true heart can you uplift others. In order to have a right to the sovereignty of the Kingdom of the world together with uplifting yourself, you also have to uplift others. Baba says that it is our true heart, our bhavna is what helps.
Om Shanti