Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_29 Mohini_Didi July 29, 2024
Om Shanti!
Are you all ok? Yes, so tomorrow will be yugals, right? If they know in advance, they can prepare. Then we can have single mothers, single brothers, right? So, Baba says that Baba doesn't see much saving. I was thinking how do I check my savings? You are able to check it when there is a big budget and big expenditures come. Then you realize, “Oh, I don't have that much money” or “If I pay, nothing will be left.” Drama is very beautiful, and whatever a situation comes, it's for our promotion, because if you pass that test, then you will be promoted. So suddenly, certain things happen, someone's behavior or a new situation, or something or other, and I lose my peace, I lose my love. I don't know what's going on outside, it's affected me inside, and now I don't know what's happening to me. First it was outside and now it is inside, right? So all that happens, and it's really Drama, because everyone's intention is always good, but the way things turn out becomes a kind of test. Then I know how much tolerance, how much love, how much peace I have in savings, because I want to be peaceful. I'm not able to be peaceful, my tolerance is not working. That means that I do not have enough savings. So, then I know I need to work more on myself and accumulate more, save more. Like some days, I really just be peaceful and accumulate peace as much as possible. When adverse situations come, then you know how peaceful you are, how long you can be peaceful. It could be with patience. You have patience, but there are certain situations where you do not find that you can maintain that patience for a long time. You maintain it, then finally you lose it because your savings are not that much. So you can really check today. The whole day I had been thinking about it since Baba said yesterday to check your savings. My nature is that I take Baba’s homework and then the whole day, just pay attention to see how much savings I have. Savings makes you very stable. That means whatever happens, you can be an observer. You can still remain an example so that others can also take help from that.
So BapDada always gives Shrimat. One constant Shrimat is to have good wishes and pure feelings in your mind for every soul. Have an attitude of uplifting even those who defame you. Defamation is something we should never be affected by. Baba said that those who defame you are your friends. Baba says how much Baba is defamed. Shiv Baba says, “I am defamed, not only in words ,but you say that I am in stones, am in pebbles, I'm in a crocodile, I'm in the fish. So you defame me so much.” Brahma Baba was defamed from day one, many different things. So we all have certain things, but we don't have as much as Brahma Baba went through. So it should never bother me that this one said this to me. Let them say it. When I came to New York, I told everyone that if you have any problem or difficulty with me or those who stay with me, you come and tell me. So Baba says to have an attitude of uplifting even those who defame you. Have a good feeling that I wish you could be stronger. I wish you shouldn't have lost your stage. Baba says that your thoughts for everyone should always be elevated and altruistic. Always have the feeling of being a bestower. Let there always be self transformation, then with your elevated actions, self transformation, with your elevated action, inspire others to perform elevated actions. Only then will you be called one who uplifts others. We all go through different situations and Claudia bhen is there from Vancouver, just recently passed a big test for quite a while. Our brother Bob was not well and she had to take care and recently he reached his angelic stage. A very lovely brother. So everyone else was watching, and definitely left the impact on how she was able to manage. So, Baba said to do action, then you inspire others.
Om Shanti