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Transcribed Classes

Feeling of Uplifting Others #30


Feelings_of_Uplifiting_Others_30              Mohini_Didi             July 30, 2024

Om Shanti! 

It was so inspiring to hear Dadi Janki saying that serious effort doesn’t mean to be serious. Happily do good efforts. We see some are very serious because they want to be always in remembrance of Baba. I just want to be consistent, but then why are you serious? You should be happy. The energy of happiness makes everything very easy. When you are not happy, even if you are making a serious effort, you will feel heavy. At the Confluence Age, it's a long journey of 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, both journeys, physical as well as spiritual. So life is a long journey. In a long journey, what do we do? Whenever we have to travel, we try to make it a picnic. Don’t think, I have a long drive. Many thoughts come in the mind? So remaining light is very important. Now uplifting others, that has been this whole month’s homework for us. So Baba is saying to have feelings of mercy. Maybe you cannot love someone, but you can have mercy on that one. Baba says to have feelings of cooperation, feelings of giving courage. There is nothing in the world we cannot do, but sometimes even very simple things, people find they cannot do because of lack of courage. If you are sensible and if you think properly, there is a way to do everything. So Baba says to have feelings of giving courage for every soul in every situation, every minute, different situations, in every task, and in every cooperative gathering, let there be an altruistic attitude. Then it would be said that  you had the feelings of uplifting others. Father Brahma did not accept anything for himself. He didn’t accept any praise, nor any physical thing, nor a place to live. New construction began just in front of Baba’s room, a little hill there. So whatever little space was there, we were trying to build new rooms. When the first one was built, we said “Baba you should go in that one.” Baba said, “No, I won't move.” Baba remained in the same room until he left the body. So Baba says, he lived subtly and physically, it was always children first. That is called uplifting others. This is  a sign of perfection, of completion. Follow the father in this and become equal to father. How many of you would like to be like the father? Everyone! So what do we have to do now? We have to follow father in a certain inculcation, certain virtues, and to be a bestower, be altruistic. Every word of Baba, when He speaks the Murli, we all have to be an embodiment of that. As Dadi said, keep courage and we will make it. How many of you are confident you will make it? Everyone! That’s very good. 

It’s lovely who we have, we call it in our Brahmin language we call it ‘yugal’. Sometimes we say ‘partners’. In lokik they say ‘couples’, different names. So, I know that one of the comparisons we give is two wheels of a cart. So just imagine if one wheel is moving like this and one is going slowly, what will happen? The cart will break, fall apart. So that is why the aim is that both wheels should be moving forward with the proper speed, not fast nor slow. Baba gives couples an example of a lotus flower, living together and a good example. Baba used to say that generally people, even hermits and gurus will say that cotton and fire cannot remain together without cotton getting fire, but Baba’s children, in a very natural way, adopted the life of purity, love and live a life that we call a spiritual life. People are enjoying worldwide, and yesterday I called for something in New York. How are you all? You know we had kumars and kumaris. So the whole Avyakti Parivar, all over the world is really enjoying this question-answer session. So welcome to Avyakti Parivar! 

Om Shanti



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