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Transcribed Classes

Feeling of Uplifting Others #4


Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_4      Mohini_Didi          July 4, 2024

Bhog Message

Om Shanti! 

Taking everyone’s loveful remembrances, I went to offer bhog to Baba. Baba looked at each one of us to give drishti, and through Baba’s drishti, everyone blossomed. Baba’s light, love, and power made every Baba’s child very full.  Baba knows everything, but still we tell him that this bhog is on behalf of Avyakti parivar and Baba was looking. So then I said to Baba that our ancestor souls have been sustaining us, all ancestor souls, Dadi Janki, Hirdyamohini Dadi, all the Dadis. So we want to offer bhog to them also. Baba met everyone, but there was something different, He offered to each one of you also. Did Baba feed you? Baba said, “Baba also wants all the children to accept the bhog.” All are Baba’s children. Baba is the one who is the Bestower. When you offer,  then instantly Baba multiplies every grain that is offered, every flower that is offered. The flowers and food and everything is from earth and water and air we offer from nature to God. I was feeling that it's not only God who is pleased, but nature also is pleased. So as much as we offer, respect nature, and then in return, nature will also take care of you. Baba gives sustenance at the Confluence Age, first is of Parents, Baba as Mother, Baba as Father, even Baba as Parents of souls. When the soul is sustained, then the body also gets sustained. So it’s not only Parents of the soul, but we souls are in the body, then Baba becomes your Teacher and teaches you. Most of the children have a lot of love for their studies. Some only like the love of parents, not studies. Baba guides you to your Home, to your future. Baba’s sustenance is what is keeping us consistent. So I was saying to Baba that whatever we are doing is because of Your love, because of Your power. Even whatever Baba is, it's not visible but it’s experienced. I give you company, I'm your friend all relationships with One. Baba said to respect nature and all the time, keep offering to the Bestower. So I said, “Baba we would like to offer our life to you.” Then I was thanking Baba for giving us strength and powers. For more than four years, we have been together in Avyakti Parivar. So how many of you are here for four years? It's Baba’s blessings. So then Baba was smiling and said, “As much as you thank me, that much I also thank you, because you invoke me and then you serve everyone.” Baba is appreciating everyone’s effort to be present. More so especially to those who, on a regular basis, for four years, had been doing something in Avyakti Parivar. The main team, translators, those who make videos, whatever little or big you do. Baba gives special not only thanks, but power to each one of you, those who are in the team. So today’s bhog was really more to say our gratitude to Baba, but then Baba also gives gratitude to His children. Today, Baba brought in nature also. Everything sustains us. Clean air, clean water, the earth gives us the sky. So then Baba said congratulations to each one of you. Little children, bigger children, adults, parents, everyone. Thanks to everyone and lots of love and remembrances from Baba.

Didi’s message

Om Shanti!

I think this is the first time we are hearing from Baba that we maintain good wishes but not that we are unshakable, immovable. Did our good wishes work or not? Did the changes happen or not? Did that receive my good wishes? Then what happened? Our mind just wants to assess the result of our good wishes. Oh, I have been so good, everyone is appreciating, or is it really helping? So, Baba is saying to keep maintaining it, you will one day see the result, but we want to see instantly. So the homework for tomorrow is like what you want to see. It could happen to parents or children, they want to see their child in a particular way and that doesn't happen. So then you get upset, or angry. Does that happen to parents? Children are saying yes. So from now, continuously maintain pure feelings and good wishes for everyone. So Baba is saying it is something unshakable and immovable, pure feelings. So be consistent, don't lose hope, don't get disappointed and don’t get frustrated, irritated, just continue to have good wishes and pure feelings for everyone. It’s very interesting. Unshakable and immovable, pure feelings. To have pure feelings for those who have pure feelings for you, and uplift those who are already uplifted. Somebody falls and gets up and then you help, but you have to help when the time is needed to help, so that soul can be uplifted. Baba says that it's not a big thing. However, when someone again and again tries to make you fall down or tries to make you fluctuate, you have to maintain unshakeable and immovable feelings and thoughts for them. It will happen, keep hope, it's working. So Baba says not allow your feelings for the soul to change because of the situation. When someone defames you, transform the defamation in a second to be upliftment, and this would be called a wonder. Please don't give up. One of the slogans that Avyakti Parivar has is “Don't give up.” There will always be some difficulties, some doubts, some obstacles, but don’t give up. Just be consistent, because you are the one who is benefiting. It's not that today you are good, tomorrow you are not. So I have to always have thoughts of upliftment for others, not look at anyone’s defects, not look at anyone’s weaknesses. Everyone has a lot of good qualities. There might be few weaknesses, but mostly there are good qualities. So always look at each other’s specialty and the goodness of each one. 

Om Shanti



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