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Feeling of Uplifting Others #6


Feeling_Of_Uplifting_Others_6     Mohini_Didi             July 6, 2024

Om Shanti!

How many of you never miss evening Avyakti Parivar? There are many we see every evening, but how many of you have been listening, very few? Most of you, live or youtube? There are many who haven't missed any. Something like home delivery, people didn't ask for pizza or food, it’s like home delivery. Sitting at home, you are able to listen. Baba’s powers help us, not only me, but everyone knows who is attending plus those who are doing it. Most of them are here, so good wishes for them. Most of the  powerful service is through thoughts and actions. Words are important, but they have a very temporary effect. However, your thoughts and words can be the same as your actions, that is called dharna, where you practically inculcate. So the homework for tomorrow is having elevated and altruistic thoughts. We never realized that thoughts are like currency, wealth, and you should not waste it. Every thought has power, first, everything begins with a thought, everything. If you don't have a thought, you can’t see, you won’t think, you won’t speak. So, I always say that action is the seed and they say ‘as you sow so shall you reap.’ The seed of action is thought, and we never really paid attention to thoughts, but since we belong to Baba, I need to know that thought is very important. So, in order to serve with your mind constantly, have elevated and altruistic thoughts for everyone, everyone, that has to be understood. Always have the motivation of uplifting everyone. So you might not love them because they're not what they should be, but Baba says to at least have good wishes. Always maintain elevated power, uplifting those who defame you. The day Brahma Baba left the body, he just wanted everything to be done, even the evening class, and after that he went into his room and he left the body. He left two teachings with us. The first was, “Those who defame you are your friends.” The second was, “Self-contemplation is the way to ascend, but thinking about others, gossiping, or anything about others brings you down.” So, if you want to ascend constantly, then self-improvement, self-progress, and self-contemplation are important. Always feel that you are a bestower, and give whatever you can give. You will forgive, right? Always feel that you are a bestower, transform yourself, always keep your actions elevated. Then you are inspiring others to perform elevated actions. This doesn't work just by seeing it, you have to do it. Also whatever I do, I will receive the fruit of that, the power of that. So then I can share with others. Always see this life as very valuable and in life, whether it is your time, whether it is your thoughts, everything is valuable, and Baba teaches us how to use them. It's like investing. As much as you invest, that much you will have. Baba definitely gives the return, but it is also created. So create your fortune! So, we will do this homework tomorrow and see the benefits. 

Om Shanti



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