Feeling_Of_Uplifting_Others_8 Mohini_Didi July 8, 2024
Om Shanti!
We have returned from Peace Village to Avyakti Bhavan. We had a good time there. It's a different world, right? The Weather was very pleasant, and nature was beautiful. So Baba is saying that you call it remedy or you can call it strength. One of the most important practices is to just remember Baba. It was yesterday or the day before, in the morning there was a kind of march, we went out. It was quite hot, very strong sun, but in a few moments a very lovely cool breeze started. When the angels are in nature, nature also knows what to do. So everyone was so happy and everyone started dancing. If there was no breeze, I don't think it could have happened. These days, Baba has been saying a lot about purifying the elements. Everything, whether it is transformation in the self, our thinking, or whether it is helping others to transform, one of the methods is remembrance. Unless we do it, we won’t know what it does. One of the most important things it does is that you are not in any wasteful thoughts of anyone’s nature or sanskars. You can be very detached and say, “That's the part of that soul”. If there is anything you say that is not very pleasant, then have mercy because that is one of the most important qualities for uplifting. When you have mercy, then you don't have any hatred or jealousy or envy. Sometimes one's own past sanskars can emerge, but Baba is saying that if you are in remembrance, elevated sanskars will emerge, not ordinary sanskars. There are all types of sanskars. Many people ask if sanskars remain in the soul or they are removed, what happens to them? It's just like there is a recording, wherever you put the needle, it will start playing that song. So it is the same, the soul has this record, but what I need to play at the Confluence Age is elevated thoughts, and let elevated sanskars emerge. When you allow that to emerge, then actually, you are also creating elevated sanskars.
So, it's very interesting to see how remembrance works. Any time something happens, something is not fulfilled, don't feel sad or feel bad, just remember Baba. So it's not that you're trying to avoid, neglect, or be in denial, no. Remembrance is accurate, things will happen. Something elevated will help, and solutions will come. The transformation will happen and sanskars, which are obstacles, will also change. As I said, there are hundreds of benefits. It depends on how much you do, how many times you do it. I had been trying this for many months now, why should I be in any other feelings, let me remember Baba. Baba is the one who is Karankaravanhar. I am an instrument of Baba, Baba has to use me. Your attainments are from Baba, points of knowledge are from Baba. Remembrance can be in any form. Internally you will become quiet, you could be in silence, and you will feel happy. So that's what our homework is, that when souls because of their nature or sanskars come to test you, Baba calls them paper tigers, they come, but they don't have power. Then in a second, with awareness of the One, use your elevated sanskars, use the sanskars and nature that you have imbibed. That is being merciful, because maybe that soul doesn't want to be that way. It is the sanskars, right? So you have to be merciful for such a soul. This is what it means to uplift souls. Now listening to this, yes, it's very easy. It's very simple, right? So, take the homework and do it as often as you can. If anything feels difficult, remember Baba and see how it changes and becomes easy. I remember once I went to a country in South America, it's a small country. So they said it was the hottest day of the year and sister Mohini is coming. What will we do? In those countries, they don't have facilities like we have in this western world, like central cooling, heating, all of that. We had reached the center and it started raining. By the evening public program, it was very pleasant. So we have to, in any adverse situation, just remember Baba, stay quiet, let's see the Drama. So, always have elevated thoughts and then at the time of adverse situations, you are remembering Baba, really, magic happens. So that's what we will do tomorrow for our practice.
Om Shanti