Feeling_of_Uplifting_Others_9 Mohini_Didi July 9, 2024
Om Shanti!
Thoughts have vibrations and even the vibrations have an effect. So first, when we are with company, we are always very elevated,very pure, beneficial, and peaceful. We have all those thoughts while sharing drishti with each other. That is in a way sharing our stage of soul consciousness. I remember once we were traveling with Dadi Prakashmni and we were in the train compartment. Dadi said, “It’s seven o’clock, okay let’s meditate together.” So for that half hour, we would just have one thought that I am a soul, I am peaceful, soul consciousness. I still remember that it was such a powerful atmosphere. It was easy because both of us were in soul consciousness. So Baba is saying that your stage should be such that others can have a similar experience. The other one can also become soul conscious. So I don’t know how many of us have been practicing that, but Baba is drawing our attention and we have to do this homework. What is the homework? That we have to have our drishti of soul consciousness. So in the vibrations and the company, the other souls also experience that. Baba takes us further than doing this amongst ourselves. Baba is saying that even with lokik people, when they come in front of you, they should also have some change. They don’t know about the soul, but there are many who say, “I felt this. I felt peaceful. It was very loving. You all are very loveful.” How do they know? It is through our vibration, through our drishti. So the aim is to help others. Our elevated stage should color the other person and help that person, but it shouldn’t happen that someone is looking at you in body consciousness and you also become body conscious. It does happen because their drishti of body consciousness is very powerful. It brings you from introverted to extroverted. In many subtle things, you will feel that you are being influenced. So Baba is saying to color others but don’t be influenced. It’s quite a point to check, am I getting influenced? Somebody is doing service and I say, “Why can't I do this?” So we should not get any thoughts like this from any souls. Just be in your self-respect, understand your part, and play that part properly.
So Baba is saying that when someone with body conscious vision comes to you, transform the vision into soul conscious vision within a second. That is very powerful. When anyone comes intending to make you fall or influence you with their company, then on the basis of your constantly elevated company, remove that influence from them and make them those who Baba says keep elevated company. Make them into those who give their elevated company. This is having a feeling of mercy and uplifting them, because different kinds of sanskars emerge through drishti. Sometimes we don’t know what kinds of sanskars emerge in me or if they are emerging in others. Sometimes like your sanskars of young age or your sanskars of any other birth can also emerge. So that is why we have to have good friendships, have love, be very sweet, but be careful that we are not influenced by anyone’s company. Rather, our stage should also help others to be in that elevated stage. This is the very subtle service of giving company. I remember Dadi Janki always used to say to us, “After Murli, always share points with someone.” So in London there was a time, and 10 students started sharing with other people. Dadi used to say that is the way you color with your company, by sharing the points of knowledge. So other people will say, “How could you remember so many points?” You know some things in a very good quality, if you maintain that, you definitely are helping others by giving them company.
Om Shanti