Harmonising_Sanskars_17 Mohini_Didi April 17, 2024
Om Shanti!
How to make everything natural and forever? What are the thoughts that emerge which reduce love, or you are not able to love someone? This happens because you must be looking at someone’s sanskars or someone's habits. So try not to look at anyone’s sanskars, try to match the sanskars, to constantly be loving. So love should become a very natural quality because it's not a question of just loving others but actually love is your energy, love is your quality, love is what you are. It doesn't matter whatever the other soul is, but I love that soul, I have love for all the souls and then enjoy the variety, enjoy everyone's part. When Baba comes, Baba loves everyone. I think we are also able to express love because we receive love from God. When I receive love from God, what will I give? One of the most important qualities of God is His love. In Murli we heard that Baba loves everyone, so we should experience Baba's company. Not just intellectually say that Baba is with me, but we have to experience that Baba is always with me, and I feel Baba’s power. Otherwise we will say that I am in Baba's company or Baba is in my company, but in practical, to experience that, is different. So, I also sometimes think just be loving, it's not a question of giving love, but be loving, speak gently and softly so that the others feel comfortable. Sometimes there is love, but our words don't express that love. So our drishti, our words, everything should give the experience of God's love.
Knowing the sanskars of one another, some people like loud voices and some like soft ones, and we may know each other. So what should we do? Baba is saying to know the sanskars of one another, but remain in harmony with one another. Giving love to one another is the speciality of the beads of the rosary. Knowing and then just love. However you can only have love for one another when you harmonise your sanskars and thoughts with one another. For this, imbibe the virtue of easiness and lightness, because tension arises when there is no easiness, and to be easy you need to observe, you don't have to respond or react all the time. Just harmonise, try to see how you can adjust with each other, accommodate each other. So using powers, harmonising sanskars, will help us to do the Raas. You must have noticed that sometimes, even in the sky there are a lot of birds together. Sometimes when you watch them, they change their directions. So how to create that harmony? How to create that rhythm, where everyone feels that they are together but they share lots of lots of love with one another?
Some souls, because of internal struggle, don't experience God's love. They know intellectually that God loves me, but to feel that love, to experience that love. Baba says that as much as you have love, that much you experience, but if you don't have love for Baba, you will not experience Baba's love. So at that point, do I have love? I feel in my heart love for everyone, and when there is love for everyone, then you share love with everyone.There are some who experience love, and some don't because internally they are in conflict, or they are struggling, or somewhere they’re not happy or satisfied. So it's not Baba that is not giving us love, but we are not experiencing it. The reason is because there is no love in me. So as much as you keep increasing or being consistent and being loving, that much you will experience God's love. So we will take this point and spend the whole day paying attention, am I experiencing God's love? Am I in the stage of myself experiencing love? So if you are love, you are experiencing love, and it will be very easy to constantly love others and harmonise your sanskars.
Om Shanti