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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #1


Giving_Sakaash_1                       Mohini_Didi                    January 1, 2025

Om Shanti! 

My understanding about sakaash is getting very clear. Sakaash actually is like current rays or vibrations. We will get homework every day to practice different Sakaash. Today, Baba is talking about sakaash of light, sakash of power, light and might. Baba is stressing the need for at least four hours of yoga. Sakaash is the vibrations that come through my thoughts or my stage. Who will benefit first? The self, right? I had been thinking that it was because of sakaash that Brahma Baba at that age, was able to manage early morning Murli, Yagya, his timetable, and his routine. You have to motivate yourself. I have to do it first for myself and my body gets those vibrations. Every cell of the body is connected with the thought. Our thoughts of love and purity affect the whole body, and the same happens with anger and frustration. This sakaash will help go beyond or go within, and you will be able to do that very naturally. It won't be very difficult because of what you give to yourself. How much time mothers and everyone spend in the kitchen cooking? We want food. It's for the body. Baba says to cook in remembrance. It is the food getting vibrations, and the one who is cooking puts those vibrations in the food. So it is a combination of both. Whatever you are eating, sakaash to your body is more important, and of course, good food and sakaash should make the body functions more manageable. Today is more of the sakaash of light. Baba says that just as you give sakaash from a high tower and spread light and might, similarly, you children also sit at your high position, that is, a high place, and give light and might to the world for at least four hours. Even the sun can give light to the world when it is high. It’s so interesting with the sun. It is sunset here and sunrise somewhere else. Sometimes you really sit for a little longer, to just see how the sun is merging into the ocean and emerging somewhere else. Why is it good to be aware of that? It is because internally, when giving sakaash, it's a beautiful way to see that you are serving the whole world. The sun can give light to the world when it is high, so become a resident of a high place to give sakaash to the corporal world. A high place means the soul is above everything. It's a very beautiful way to experiment and see how much I am getting, how much the vibrations create an atmosphere around me, and how much it is benefiting others. From this sakaash, of course, the world is served. All over the world there is so much suffering. Don't focus on a country or a place or person, but just spread it, and those who need it, those who can, will receive it. This is  interesting, something different we haven't done for a long time. I think it's going to be a very beautiful experience.

Om Shanti 



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