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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #11


Giving_Sakaash_11 Mohini Didi         Jan 11th, 2025

Om Shanti everyone.

It's lovely to see Avyakti parivar every evening. Lot of love for each other being in this unlimited family. So, Baba is saying be master merciful. Mercy really is considered to be a very good quality, the feeling so mercy. But Baba is asking us, when you are merciful, then give the power. How do I give power is through the mind right, through our thoughts. Some say we don't know if that power reaches or not. Sun doesn't worry that way, that will my light reach everyone or not? Will this? Be that you know. Because now you see that like when there is sorrow because of violence or natural calamities or a lot of karmic settling also happens. So what is needed most is the souls to get power. Because when it comes to mercy through other different means. These days, lot of people are learning some alternate physical treatments right. Some do acupuncture, some do naturopathy. There are so many different ways. And they do help people physically, one of the biggest mercy, especially in India, is feeding the poor, hungry ones. And there are many, many ashrams. Especially you all know that in Gurudwara, 8000, 10,000 people eat every day. every gurdwara, depends on how big it is. So, people donate unlimited grains, you know, different things. In a way, that is the best charity because when you give money, as Baba said this morning, we don't know how they're going to use it. That's why when I also send contribution to Yagya, I always say this is for oil, this is for grains, this is for so that Brahmins can eat. Every day, minimum 6000 Brahmins they cook whether there is season or not, niwasis and some old people and some from the colony, some from the hospital, Pandav bhavan, Gyan sarovar, Shantivan, everyone. So naturally, that much grains, that much oil, everything then vegetables, fruits, milk. Plus nivasis, sevadharis their living expenses, all that. But also, with the time as the need was, then there are more and more buildings are being built too, because accommodation is also important. But one thing I always feel that whatever we give as donation is used in worthwhile way. Because whenever we go, they try to have better facilities, more people, sevadharis, servants for cleaning, all that is payments. They have to pay every servant per day in India now, also per hour is quite a lot of money. So it's used in worthwhile way. But there are some places if we give, they fill the pockets right. So our mercy has to be careful where they don't feel deceived, right. We feel whatever little we are able to give is used in worthwhile way. Baba is saying just like BapDada feels mercy, similarly, you children also have to be Master merciful, with the attitude of your mind and through the atmosphere give souls the powers through your attitude and atmosphere. Give souls the powers you have received from the Father. Since you have to accomplish world service in short time and you have to make everyone, including the elements, pure. Do this service at a fast speed. Elements have to be pure too. That is, Baba is calling it, it's like unlimited service. Because one atmosphere is, you know, atmosphere of vibrations and there is environment that is elements, no. Many types of pollutions are there, air, water, but main pollution is of the mind. So how do we constantly serve Baba says through our attitude, through our thoughts. And Baba has given us enough to churn, reflections, practices, exercises. These drill drills, many spiritual drills, so we really have quite a lot to do. And when we do it, definitely we create love, enthusiasm. We create something and when we create, we are creating because we know we want better world, pure world, satopradhan world, Golden Aged world. So our mercy seems to be incognito way, lot of people say why don't you run school? The Baba said, no. We can teach teachers and teachers can teach in schools. It's not all our sisters will go and start teaching in school, then that's what they'll be doing. So our teachers will give only spiritual knowledge. You know, that was Baba’s policy. Yes, there are two, three hospitals. One we had because there was nothing in that area so lot of mercy in form of donation or when doctors are about to retire, they go and serve their, some even go for one month, two months to serve there, many specialists have been coming twice a month because we cannot really hire them, very expensive. So that's also mercy, no, to volunteer something for the help is also mercy. So different kinds of mercy and in our life charitable actions are important. One is elevated action, but charitable actions. And we do charity through our thoughts, words, actions, mind, body, wealth, all different ways. Om Shanti!



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