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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #12


Giving_Sakaash_12                 Mohini_ Didi         January 12, 2025

Om Shanti Everyone!

We all have to become an image of sakaash. You can only give saakash if there is an accumulation of power. I am a light, I am a point of light and might. From a point of light, become a lighthouse and a mighthouse.  Such souls become well known, and everyone will go to them and ask,”How can I get this?” Yesterday, I had a video meeting with the teachers in India, and one of the questions was that, when someone comes and has some internal obstacle or some storm of Maya, what do you do? So Jayanti Bhen said that our stage helps, and whatever method we give, those methods also help them.  When they return home they are happy; they go with some tools to use when they are not happy or when there is a problem. When somebody is bringing any problem, I just keep Baba with me and say to Baba that you are the one who can help settle the karmic accounts, or you are the one who will give the awards, so you listen. Sometimes I remember the stories, sometimes I don't, because I really don't want to have thoughts about that. Sometimes people leave a message to let Sister Mohini know about a problem. I find that somehow or the other when they tell you their problem, it gets  solved or they find a solution. They get power so that their inner storms or any obstacles are removed, because they get blessings from Baba. So building up a stock of blessings also means that you're not only giving through words, but it happens. I've had a lot of experiences like this, and sometimes I even wonder who did it. Maybe it is Baba’s magic or Drama. I remember that whenever the Dadis were not physically well, they used that time for contemplation and serving through the mind. I remembered when Dadi Gulzar would come back from a spiritual holiday or spiritual pilgrimage, she used to talk so lovely. We said, “Oh look at her, she is so lovely, because she had a few days to be in quiet silence.”Generally, we are very busy, but when we have time, let's accumulate. Today, Baba is saying to accumulate a stock of pure thoughts in your mind. Very subtly, thoughts of anxiety and uncertainty do come. Be aware of what we have to do, change them with trust and love. When you change them, create new pure thoughts, and keep accumulating this stock of elevated bhavna. Baba said that no one can complain that they do not get a chance to do service. Increase your remembrance of Baba, then service will come to you. You never have to chase after service. If someone is unable to speak, he can serve with his mind and create an attitude of happiness in the atmosphere. People want to feel happy, so it is a very good service. If your health is not good, then cooperate while sitting at home. Simply accumulate a stock of pure thoughts in your mind and become full of good wishes. There is a lot of personal growth, personal progress, and high level service also. Service that is not visible, but service of many souls. Those souls will start invoking you. They will have respect and love for you. We always think about accumulating physical material things, but Baba wants us to have inner spiritual treasures and the stock of all the treasures.  

Om Shanti



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