Giving_Sakaash_13 Mohini_Didi January 13, 2025
Om Shanti
It is a great fortune that we are able to listen to Shiv baba through Brahma Baba. Very lovingly, Baba is saying that you are sitting in God's home, so if you are remembering others, that is deceiving. We have to really be very careful when we are in Baba's home, we are here to study and do His task. This morning in Murli, Baba said dharna is based on remembrance. So remembrance is very important. Love for one makes remembrance natural and easy. Sometimes we have more love for Baba’s task than Baba. Always remember, it's Baba’s task, Baba's service and Baba's direction. Constant remembrance will make us lighthouses. Whenever there is anything, instead of wasting thought, let me remember baba. . The most important quality of a lighthouse is stability. If you are shaken, you are disturbed, so you will have wasteful thoughts, that means you are not stable. If you are shaking, and there is no stability, it is because there is no consistent love and remembrance of Baba. I think that we have to pay more attention now, how do I increase my stability? Applying knowledge, applying the power of yoga, dharna and sewa are the four subjects that actually make us very stable. Wherever we are, there has to be stability. When there is stability, then we are able to give light and also vibrations of power. Our stability could become power for many. If I am shaken, then I can’t give power. There is a lot of connection between stability and might. Baba is giving us different methods every day. Baba says that you can serve many souls while staying at one only one place with your pure feelings. Sometimes we should really define what is pure feelings right? and then elevated wishes. Not only good wishes, but elevated wishes, elevated attitude and elevated vibrations. Not only good wishes but elevated, higher than good wishes right? These days, good wishes are common. Everyone says give blessings, give sakash, not only good wishes, so it's more and more higher. The way to do this is to be lighthouse and a might house, there is no question of having physical facilities, a chance or time for this. You simply need to be full of light and might. All whatever we could call obstacles they're not there when it comes to you becoming lighthouse and mighthouse. It is so interesting we could be so many of us together but effort is personal. No one I could say is the reason for I am not able to make effort and that is why Baba is saying, it’s not question of ok now you have chance to make efforts right. Those who really love remembrance whenever they have few moments Just sit in Baba’s love. So now our attention has to be how often and how consistent. if anything happens just sit down somewhere in a corner and be lighthouse and see if others are getting might or not. I think it's a very very I like it and for me I also let me give good wishes let me have pure feelings. Let me give sakash. So the vibrations will create that atmosphere. An atmosphere has its own power right. So we are at God’s Service. So constantly be light house and might house. Our Brahma Baba was always his drishti, his smile, his words giving power to every one. Even if someone makes mistake, OK forget it make that person light. So really we don’t have too much time now looking around, make efforts pay attention more as I said do often and make it consistent. And these 4 things I really like what Baba said that will increase our stability and then increase our power and we become source of for those who are looking for right direction. Those who are looking for direction to destiny, destination, that's what lighthouse generally does is show the path or final destination. And that's what a light house and might house does. So let's be lighthouse and mighthouse.
Om Shanti !