Giving_Sakash_14 Mohini_Didi January 14, 2025
Om Shanti!
Is everyone okay and happy? Nobody is concerned or worried, looking at what is happening around, right? Gita bhen from Los Angeles said that there is no sign of fire being extinguished because of the wind, and many businesses are affected. The elements are giving us the signal that we should not have waste thoughts now. Thoughts are also connected with the body, and the body is from the elements. Internally just prepare yourself, and definitely work on not having any wasteful thoughts. Everyday Baba tells us not to have wasteful thoughts, because the main treasure in our life is our thoughts. In order to serve with your mind, your mind and intellect have to be free from wasteful thinking. Wasteful thinking is also like wildfire. You don’t want to think, but thoughts keep coming and coming. So, that is why Baba says that you need to practice how to change wasteful thoughts into meaningful, useful, and in remembrance of Baba. The mantra of “Manmanabhav”, the importance of remembrance of Baba, and the importance of the power of concentration, should be easy now. Those elevated souls who have elevated minds, that is, who have powerful thoughts and pure feelings are able to donate powers through their minds. “Manmanabhav” means with total focus and concentration, I have to be with Baba. You feel you are with Baba. You are celebrating a meeting with Baba. When you are merged in remembrance of Baba, not only our impurities are gone, but our sinful actions are also dissolved. Dadi Janki always used to tell us to just go and sit next to Baba. In a natural way, be in the company of Baba as Almighty Baba, parent-child, student sitting with the Teacher, or as a follower with SatGuru Baba. It is love, but also it is a practice. The mind has the habit of wandering, and very quickly it goes in all different directions. So we have to focus. Brahma Baba kept company with Shiv Baba. It was like just sitting next to Shiv Baba. We had the experience of Shiv Baba sitting next to him, speaking Murli. Just like in a lokik relationship, when there is love, you stay together.That is physical, while this is more with my mind. The yoga of the intellect should be with Baba. So when you really want to connect, gradually understand that I also have to disconnect from the world. Have total distaste, then you can connect, but if your mind is everywhere, you will find it difficult to connect. Sometimes it is good that we observe silence, but not only silence of words. It is silence from listening, silence from seeing, no information.That kind of silence can take us into a very deep connection with Baba. So especially these days, where different games of Drama are playing out. They are surprising. This is the time to really think more of Baba, stay with Baba, and keep doing everything. You have to be a karma yogi while doing actions. Be in remembrance of Baba,this is very important. So, have the determination to be in Manmanabhav.
Om Shanti